Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Which Veggies Are Beneficial In Colloidal Goitre?


Ninety years ago drove out the Poles in Warsaw to the Red Army

mno, 2010. August 14, Varga E. Laszlo
We Hungarians Bela Kun's return, new terror and suffering on the Soviet-Russians would win. A Sándor Simonyi-Semadam, then the government led by Paul Teleki was aware of this, the country's performance, taking into account all possibilities, calculated since 1919, watching the outcome of the war.
The Soviet-Polish conflict, while it also provided an opportunity to the Hungarian political and military leadership that megsegítse the Poles or even the consent of the Entente you can intervene, and thus achieve the amendment of the Trianon borders. (This was served in Paris, the French-Hungarian secret ongoing negotiations, which have begun before the signing of the Treaty of Trianon.) It came to Hungary several times to assist Poland in 1920. First of the 1920th first half of June, we will return. The Polish army - ahead of the Red Army's main attack - 1920th April 24, in alliance with the Ukrainian People's army launched an attack bolsevizált against the Ukraine. Kiev is also occupied by the Poles on May 7. Budapest for Foreign Affairs, Department of Defense and early May have prepared a secret Polish-Hungarian political and military alliance's draft. According to these two armies to cooperate in the struggle against the Bolsheviks, and, if necessary, the Hungarian army, armed assistance to the Poles. Signature has been made, nevertheless, substantial assistance to Hungary.

Soviet Russian influence in the Austrian agents propagandamunkájának Workers were not allowed out of the Poles in Austria ammunition manufactured in June 1920. Czechoslovakia to drag-heartedly sent the ammunition came from France, then in 1920 made it impossible for the delivery of the summer. Hungary has committed itself to it now, free of charge, from Austria to the Austrian and French ordnance train hundreds of shipment to Romania immediately transmit to Poland. The Hungarian-Polish cooperation in forms of high proportions. The Hungarian government has also contributed to, Polish military patrols to monitor the shipment from Hungary to Poland. The clearance has been carried out Püspökladány that the locomotive of the Hungarian-Romanian border replacing the valve without delay, continue to be launched immediately. The Polish coal provided the ammunition and the Hungarian Csepel locomotives, which are transported to the border, the train. The Polish Freight Wagons of transportation, because a piece of wagons for the Hungarian government did not give way to the Romanian territory.

Kilencszázhúsz June From 10 until 25 August, ten weeks - when the Danzig (Gdansk), dock workers unloaded again in the coming war material shipments - only Poland, Hungary could count on the help and support. Hungarian-made ammunition, and we have forwarded the French and Austrian war material shipments. Austria is not ammunition. However, while there was also the transfers of ammunition, Vienna, received in exchange for food. Munition is subsequently released from the Austrian railroad, because it magánszállítmányozási Companies transported, often eltitkolva that the recipient of Warsaw.

After the International Trade Union Confederation (Soviet-Russian propaganda, money and support), 1920th June announced a boycott against Hungary in the last third of the White Terror of the French ammunition not intended for the Poles in Austria, but the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, Zagreb came through, and what has been sent to Romania. (The White Terror, only served as a pretext, the real goal was to prevent transfers of ammunition.)

It should be noted that in 1920 In the summer of Hungary and Austria signed a separate agreement with Soviet Russia in the mutual hazaengedéséről prisoners. As a pretext, some megzsarolva the two countries, was included in the text of the Convention, each State to attest to the neutrality of the Soviet-Russian-Polish war, not to manufacture, does not supply or pass through the territory of war material to the Poles. Bolshevism, however, equally threatened by both countries, which for a time in Austria and Hungary did not comply with the start of the convention, so that prisoners - Who knows how many? - Finally left Russian soil.
the Polish army for a while could not stop the Soviet-Russian counterattack, retreated continuously. The government turned to Hungary on 13 July, harmincezres lovashadsereg LOAN request. Budapest was ready to help in the event that the Entente give consent, and it arms the Hungarian army. This in turn asked for the intercession of the Polish diplomacy of the Hungarian government. Army marched through Czechoslovakia have been moved. 1920th end of June, the Red Army lengyellakta areas reached. Honvédségünknek ordered the first days of August menetkészültséget. Did not take place in the armed assistance. Czechoslovakia announced on August 9, neutrality in the armed forces have left no passage or transit of ammunition. Benes, the Czechoslovak foreign minister had so much humor in Soviet Russia, that he offered him the territory of Transcarpathia. Given the prevailing
Poles huge ammunition - even in small quantities that they began their own production, which is far from covering the needs - and the Hungarian Minister of Defense 1920th Instruction dated July 8, immediately made available to the Polish army and then a million lőszertartalékát. Ordered at the same time, Csepel that only two weeks to produce the Poles. The remaining statements, the first factory production lőszersorozatot May 31 and 27 July between manufactured. Forty-eight days, 250 thousand pieces per day, which meant 12 million bullets. (The production and transportation held in March 1921, scored a total of 58 million units. In addition, we gave a moving ammunition kitchens, camp Bakehouses, infantry ammunition damper 40 million, 600 thousand magazine, millions of gun parts, too.)

On 3 July, Secretary of Defense Sosnkowski desperately sought to rapidly deliver the Csepel Manfred Weiss Steel and March and Fémműveknél ordered in May, millions of antipersonnel ammunition. The launch of high production was difficult because of shortage of ammunition was needed materials. The Romanian army occupied Budapest's withdrawal before the spoils of war has removed some of the equipment - artillery ammunition could not be manufactured - and the factory is largely looted stores, even tehervagonparkját, also took locomotives.

the available archival sources, newspaper and the 1920th Launched on July 10 Hungary 80 vagonnyi, about 20-22 million units karabélylőszerről not tell whether or produced in Hungary from Western Europe Was. It is not known when he delivered the above-quoted - by Hungarian Minister of Defense Instruction - nearly one million units in May and two weeks for production quantities of the Poles. It is possible that the 10 July 80 expediált wagon until it was made ammunition. (The factory-production statement does not decide the question.) Assembly of Czechoslovakia, were detained. Fortunately, he was returned, and this shipment came through Romania in Warsaw under the name Skierniewice small town in the 1920th on August 12. Distributed immediately, making the ammunition have won the battle of Warsaw.

In early August, the French government - the result of Soviet-Russian successes - has contributed to Hungary's military assistance to the Poles, with the condition that they pass through the territory of the Czechoslovak army corps. But this has prevented the northern neighbor, when the 1920th August 9, announced its neutrality.

The final was, however, the Hungarian lőszersegély. Ammunition was so large the deficit in late July, August At the beginning, that karabélyonként seven rounds of ammunition were available at the front, and the use of military weapons unnecessarily penalized. Minutes of the National Defence Council that the Polish army without ammunition supply at the latest on August 14 would have run out. Tuhacsevszkij, the Red Army in Warsaw against the general manager knew this, and this day set for the capture of the city. There also came the outskirts of these days, but was never able to conquer them.

next day started with a very bloody siege. The diplomatic corps has Poznań previously transferred to the papal nuncio alone Achille Ratti, later in the XI. Pius was the Poles. Russian prisoners of war in the streets cleaned, the people of Warsaw was calm and confident, despite the introduction of martial law. This measure is mainly infiltrated by Soviet agents and the Polish-Russian Communist Party members and sympathizers was directed against. A summary court - in front of the haditörvényszékek, civilians are also over the judges - have begun their work. The volunteer army, nearly one hundred thousand people, the contemporary documents and photographs show that even high school students, and even women have entered.

The Red Army did not comply with the rules of war. The surviving patients at the Polish military hospital ápolószemélyzettel szuronynyal stabbed with the Russians in the occupied territories fed themselves, women were raped. In some indescribable cruelty subunits were treated with the Poles: the captured soldiers were cut to the throat, arccsontjaikat smashed with rifle butts, their bodies mutilated. It is therefore understandable One of the command of General Sikorski, quoted by hand to another command lapszélére "ejtünk not prisoners of war." (This applies only to the Soviet soldiers of the unit concerned, which surely knew that his killing of the head.)

third day of the Polish attack, commenced on 16 August, the Soviets withdrew, a panic took place in the coming days. The Chinese nationality and became a military police soldiers fejvesztetten terror, despite the refugees back, they fled in front of the powerful Polish attack. Numerical
superiority, despite the Reds, that resulted in the defeat of the Soviet-Russians in the battle and the war as well. What was the reason? Tuhacsevszkij considered that the Polish army - Kiev backwards - in fact destroyed, and insignificant forces protecting the capital, there is no ammunition. Hardly existed in their own units of radio links, the encrypted messages, however, the Poles are tapped, and periodically changing the cipher repeatedly decoded, and even the Russians are the best radio station of the military captured during combat. The 27-year-old Russian Army - was tsarist lieutenant - presumptuously characterized by the following case. The Polish officer courier who brought the general order containing haditerveit counterattack, enemy fire was killed. The battle plan was immediately Tuhacsevszkijhez, but gave credit to the brave Poles haditervének, was intentionally misleading.

The main reason for success, however, the heroism of Polish soldiers, the great battle plan and the ammunition had arrived from Hungary.

Whichever of the three would have been missed, the Russian victory. The Polish defended his country, what is more important than for patriotism as a social situation, while the Russian hódítóként, fought in the hope of booty. That Trotsky, the Red Army Commander blankly accepted. But he should have been the best for you to know that the 123-year-old Russian tsarist occupation could not be erased overnight, the Poles' memory, and place the supranational beleírni confused idea of \u200b\u200bproletarian revolution. This revolution, and arriving in Poland's army is not seen as liberators , but also occupying, rabolva, pillaging, erőszakoskodva, murder.

The Hungarian government in Warsaw after the battle continued in the 200 wagons of ammunition production, delivery, and committed to a shipment of 400 wagons of French ordnance transfer to Warsaw. Unfortunately, the Hungarian public does not recognize our country's role in the Polish events of ninety years ago. The Battle of Warsaw is an integral part of the Polish national consciousness. The two countries took place in Hungary today is not the role of the scientific process. The author of these lines was able to keep the ninetieth anniversary lecture held an international conference in Warsaw in military science, and professional opinion before there is at least disclose the details of the forgotten past.

Józef Pilsudskinak, the Poles in Warsaw fővezérének read more from her pedestal of the statue erected in quotes. According to one of the people, a forgotten past, does not deserve a future. After this victory, warned his countrymen. It would be worthwhile for us to consider the warning.


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