Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Largest Indian Breasts

MTI, 2010. August 24 A Belgian journalist

scanned the DNA of relatives of Hitler, and came to the conclusion that the genetic map of the former Nazi leader as ancestors of Berbers, Somalis and even Ashkenazi Jews may have been, but Germans were the least. Jean-Paul Mulders The chromosomes in question most of the Moroccan Berbers, Somali, in fact, occur among Ashkenazi Jews - the latter, every second of this haplogroups. Spoken by The Knack Ronny Decorte, University of Leuven, the modern science of genetics expert that there are no races. The racial theory supermen do not exist, so the related species breed only in a perfect product of the imagination. Hitler's will - says the scientist - himself belonged to an ethnic group, which looked down.

Mulders previously sought in Austria and Hitler United States, living in his father's relatives pointed to a showdown with the myth that Hitler during World War I had been born a child of a young French woman. Meanwhile, several people inquired about her genetic origin of Hitler.

The journalist managed to capture the Austrian rokontól a cigarette, the Long Island feed a napkin. They were able to analyze the basis of the boy's father inherited Y-chromosomes. The U.S. was the same in its Austrian and, ultimately, to Hitler belonged to the haplogroups.

The Knack magazine announced that they occur after the Russian government to allow an examination of a German bunker from the jaw, which assume that the suicide was Hitleré.


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