Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hotbird Frequency 2011


Japan city Service, food safety, public affairs - and although he kept his American GM soya available (1)

mno, 2010. August 14, D. Gabor Horvath occurs more frequently in Japan, to school trips before the kids secretly föladják luggage on the way to avoid having the bags under izzadniuk. The previous day, also sent packages to arrive the next day to tour the place, thanks to mail-order company in the market to exploit the vulnerability. Question is whether it serves a beneficial the mental development of students, instead if the postman takes care of the trappings of this hike. In any event, the example is kitetszik that this country can be difficult to figure out new things or services, which still have massive demand. Japan the carefully constructed system of infrastructure and services, working with incredible accuracy. Whether it is hospital care, whether in transport, education, public administration. People are able to conduct their affairs smoothly, only minimal and the necessary official procedures on them.

Trains, planes transport the dates are real, as well as the scheduled meetings. Every second of accuracy really works, excluding a delay - which is apparently comforting to people because of all predictable, there are no surprises. The passengers in the modern IT tools without knowing the slower else can: the station of the metro to the airport ticket every computer terminal have access to - including the youngest and the elderly. In addition, help is available everywhere for those in need, namely the lack of this knowledge is not placed at a disadvantage populations - although such a man is not met. the form of taxis all over Japan are virtually identical, and many of the large automakers can produce a taxi. First I suspected some sort of nostalgia or fashion, back to the seventies greet them, and that everyone is using an old car. But it turned out, many of these brand-new car, but nowadays it is such an outdated produced in the form of taxis. Gas fuels in general, and the rear-door opening or closing bars separated from the passenger visor driver directs.
Budapest against a ten and a half million inhabitants, Tokyo is also true that there is indeed a city service. Metropolis, which are sized betondzsungelek amazing, breathtaking organized. It is not uncommon for houses to multi-track routings, path systems, railways are run over each other, Tokyo domestic traffic at the airport buildings staying off the affected machines. The town is remarkably little greenery, but beautifully kept ligeteiket okay. A few years ago was banished from the house walls covered with graffiti, and video surveillance cameras in almost every sweep through the squares, which does not interfere with the town dwellers. Demonstrates the shortcomings of urban planning, however, that the buildings without a shred of harmony often stand out from each other, but in public places, restaurants, trains, hotels and underpasses - everywhere - Perfect purity.

The people on the street is usually not only in the designated areas or on the street üvegkalickákban set up in smoke. Kyoto is the center of such a map indicating the tables published in the area that is approximately three thousand forints megszegőknek fine for the rule. That is, let's face it, much more realistic than the past few days have been introduced in Hungary! Us because if someone is smoking subway will receive a fine of thirty thousand forints to expect. When a reporter Cover Without selling newspaper, smoking homeless people asking about how you will pay this amount, I got the answer: not at all, he never had much money.

But back to Japan, where smoking in restaurants is usually not free. The waiters brought from home because of our experience everywhere felt the airy courteous, food quality and the inventor of sound, any restaurant, snack bar, also we went to Pub. Such as Fukuoka, where the world famous Kobe cattle the same quality, black cattle (in Japanese kuroge vagjú) tasted made with pepper. The eponymous Kobe beef famous Hungarian food experts stress that they live, and even there are some who claim the right places works by Mozart heard for them before being slaughtered and beer itatják Fat redistribution and the right to massage them. I could not ascertain the reliability of these claims, because the Japanese have the possibility of foot and mouth infection Animal Farm refused citing this presentation. And would be interested in the truth, because of the inability of a beef or any animal would be susceptible to a degree or twelve other European music. Moreover, these animals are seen by many as their lives are almost motionless, unaffected by tight spaces, so it is not the masszírozástól, but so are the fat marbled meat. In any event, this meat is very expensive in the shops. The Kyoto station is housed in a huge Japanese supermarket in the top ten minőségűből decade six thousand jenért (15-16 thousand HUF) betrayed. The little restaurant in Fukuoka,

friendly and easily directed to the owner. The counter seats útitársnőmmel Japanese, Umemura Juko, the Budapest University Department of Japanese adjunktusával, just opposite the cook, whose immaculate purity metal baking was a huge desktop. Chopped garlic first experienced strokes, then megpirította lenyesett fat from meat, then fried in butter with vegetables and mushrooms as a garnish. The two very rough chop appetizer League draw took place. After megpirította whole, much smaller, roughly cut them into pieces kétcentis the cook, pepper, seasoned with salt, then baked to medium in accordance with our request. And the result is ... well, you vowed to never again "fanyalodom" to this Japanese delicacy. Because, although without actually melted chewing apart the man's mouth, but because the meat is so fatty, like fried bacon. The Japanese love in any event. Another interest

restaurant - which was connected to a small grocery - the country's southernmost main island, Kjúsún tried. The store giant plastic whale ceiling hung up, indicating that the Japanese tradition of close relatives, but the whole world as a result of such an issue bálnahalászat mammalian meat can be obtained. The fagyasztópultból different sizes and types, foil packaged whale meat was a choice, the restaurant and ordered étlapjáról. Seeing next to this is that people ate, I succumbed to the terrible thought that the man did not try the friend, and a variety of fish and vegetables coupled with a dose of whale meat has also been requested by smaller balls, breaded and fried, served with lemon mayonnaise and up. Soft and tasty it was poor, there was no sign of fish characteristic aromas.

The Japanese would not have needed to whales, it is Tokyo's wholesale fish market was clear. The indoor market is located in a vast area in the morning I visited. Has arrived the morning catch in the Pacific Ocean, and wholesalers from the simple to the most edible marine wonders packaging, and retailers and restaurant owners were busy serving. The counters are routes between the bystander buyers along with a gas-powered vehicles carrying flickered up and down, which are incorporated in the tank of the government, under the direction and the speed is changed with the leading drivers' standing. This closed volume can be the easiest imagine that the major intersections of police officers directed them to the podium within the market. I felt so many times that if you have not jumped aside, surely would have run over one or the other one.

this country is not negligible organization of the World Summit on food security, which you can learn a lot of loud scandals Hungary. Ejszuke truck, Mr. Health, Labour and Welfare Ministry of Food Security Department csoportvezetőjének's account turns out to be a serious risk kezelik például a címkézést. Az élelmiszerek hatvan százaléka importból származik, ugyanakkor azon termékeket, amelyeket maguk is elő tudnak állítani, magas büntetővámokkal védik, hiába tiltakoznak ellene a külföldiek. A nagyságrendi sorrendben főként Kínából, Amerikából és Ausztráliából érkező élelmiszereken pontosan fel kell tüntetni a származási helyet; azt pedig magam is láttam, hogy a saját termékeiken – zöldségek, gyümölcsök zacskóin egyaránt – sokszor a termelő fényképe mellett neve, címe are also shown. The degree of deterrent punishments: the most serious cases, imprisonment for three years and three million yen (seven to eight million) may be imposed.

The quality of food from abroad to the state of the domestic products of the local governments. The planned and random checks as well. For those traders who have repeatedly occurred in error, withdraw from the export-import entitlement, their products are immediately removed from circulation. The Japanese producers and traders for the marketing of defective products following the suspension of three months, then half-year operating license revoked. Severe food poisoning and even hundreds of millions of yen (250 million) also impose a penalty. In comparison, readers can only think that the previous government under the Chief Veterinary Officers Nicholas Süth tehetetlenkedése because the system did not deter a challenge it is toxic, antibiotic honey producers, distributors and retailers of consumer health rongálásától. Not that a fine would have been a deterrent, nor does it take offense to the police have banned them from the next activity. Japan, of course, the dealer is liable. There is not úszhatják stores selling products on the false prosecution of the producers of mutogatással, as if to gain from it, they also need to know what they sell.

A specialist in the last two times in a scandal. Húsgombóckészítményei proved to be toxic to a Chinese company, and a Japanese company, poor quality of flour can be used only for animal feed have been released for human consumption átcímkézve. The Chinese food products otherwise the Japanese are satisfied, and the scandal referred to Mr. Lorry the law of large numbers can be, namely, that the most importélelmiszer from China. The public, however, became distrustful of the Chinese food over.
not wavered, however, in relation to trust the Americans, and all the tools are used to the weird movements GM plants in the world. These include the import of some European Union countries have been allowed to Hungary but, fortunately, still resists. Japanese disappointment in this respect, as also allow the as yet unpredictable effects of genetically engineered soy, which, moreover, the national dishes of most of its components. We learned from Mr. Lorry, that basically only the foods can be brought to Japan, which is satisfied that it is not harmful to human health. "How can this make? The GM Soy to the international professional public opinion that is not harmful to health. However, today no one can say exactly what about the longer term "- reflect the inconsistency of the food safety specialist. In any such products must indicate that genetically engineered or not. The processed foods - such as szójaszószból - but no longer can be shown that genetically engineered material made with, so this is not the product labels warn consumers, he adds Truck Ejszuke. (Contention Hungarian mikrobiológusoknál later at home I asked those who believe that processed foods can be shown that the genetically engineered plant material or not.) When asked whether he agrees with the marketing of GM products, he replied, that does not motivate people to buy such products . He said that is not a happy thing, but they can not prevent. Why it is not, not explained. The processed products are recommended for customers to find a manufacturer that is non-GM soya is used up. However, it complicated the detection of genetically engineered products that are involved in that foodstuff. The State can not say that the foreign buyers do not take soy, may indicate only that the product from abroad. Camels, radio, newspapers also do not give up ads, only the ministry's website published a description of genetically engineered szójáról, county or counties are called, walking up to the general public note that this is now available in stores. Which, let's face it, the defense édeskevés!

an explanation as to why, despite reasonable discretion are not against the Japanese in the GM soya beans, the relationship between the two countries lies. America, after having ruined the country, built it, and the resulting prosperity is now more dominant experience for them, like 65 years ago, the devastation. The development of genetically engineered crops, cultivation and popularization in the world the most well-capitalized U.S. companies interested in, and allow the import of such plants in Japan also represents a major retreat of a friend before. When the powerful American interests turned to the word, the ministry's expert stated that this is a political question, which he did not want to take a position. During the conversation later, it was found that Japanese companies have also termeszthetnének GM soy in the country, but even a single domestic company did not ask her permission. To the question that shopping whether he is wondering whether to give up what szójáért money or interest to the szójaszószról, what made the source material, Mr. Lorry answered: if you answer, you can not buy GM foods. She added that while there are customers who turn to chemicals sprayed szójától party, and thus has been genetically modified to look exactly.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating. I checked one of Tokyo's shopping mall, to indicate whether the packaging of the soybeans, genetically engineered plant that are involved. The various szójababokon not find such information, so I tried to inquire. Would otherwise be courteous in all respects fair store of disruptions to the seller asking about the issues of genetically engineered soya. Finally, the food class leader rushed there, but who did not understand exactly what I'm curious.


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