Hope you can find in the Gulf of Mexico: New bacteria appeared in the water olajfaló
origo, Gabor Pesthy disaster occurred in April, following an amazing amount of oil spilled into the sea in the Gulf of Mexico. The oil under the sea is cloudlike shapes grouped. One of these deep-water formation is examined, the researchers discovered that a known and previously unknown olajbontó bacteria proliferated in the vicinity of oil spills.
It turned out that the depth olajfelhőből samples very rich in the so-called gamma-proteobaktériumok (medical and scientific point of view, extremely significant baktériumcsoport) with different representatives. The bacteria in water samples DNA analysis found that the majority of the microbes that resulting from Oceanospirillales to come out. Almost all the identified baktériumról known to break down the hydrocarbons in cold environments, and stimulating environment in the petroleum operations. The researchers also found evidence of this: in the samples of fatty acids in biological oil degradation occurred. unlike many other bacteria, these olajevő hidegkedvelő gamma-proteobaktériumok do not use oxygen dissolved in the oil breaking down. Therefore, the traditional methods of estimating degradation of oil (which is used for the determination of oxygen) can easily ignore the activities of these bacteria.
The experiments, however, showed that 5-degree Celsius environment, these bacteria quickly break down hydrocarbons, such as rapid in their natural half-life. The researchers therefore say that the gamma-proteobaktériumok now found the representatives (which also had two new species) play a significant role in the depth olajfelhő metabolism. So hope that will place more rapidly than expected in deep-sea ecosystem structural imbalance.
Source: Science / AAAS
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