Kata Miklós Ágnes: The Demeter-apokrifekből
oh I believe that people are glad ears never threw down the son I did not change anyone kőhalommá
embermódra mourned my daughter and I listen to hymns
disguise air suits
among you go down the halls you
you eat you sleep you
dance around the fire then spread the salad spice
leaven kenyeretekbe
to listen to all the smugglers mesétek
but please do not lie
much bigger than me
genre or whatever you want
a campfire beside me I did not hear the whistle
me whispered in my ear crept
not listened to
said summer is the fragrant hay termékenységünnep
warm comfortable with the rick
sacrifice to Demeter
na go anyway as it is the stake
not even watched it this
final argument took a turn around on my ass
he stepped back and asked, grinning
sorry Aunt
hah nice little family is the great-grandfather did the same
daughter Persephone who once was the age of the fruit of my lap
since you are not an only child in ground water sky Nothing has changed
my hair my hair my daughter kalászkoszorú
I think it's called down there to earth
generational antagonism
stood a freshly ironed clothes kupacnyi
right in what you take next year ittfelejtesz
oh my mother my mother, my father is my uncle
the husband of my cousin's uncle's half-sister
nephew of the half-brother of Ibrahim
the dédnagynéném
stepsister gave birth to my father's mother's mother
oh well what to say I told you a thousand times
can always use a napkin to no avail
now never comes
it out in a patch
I just could not
what does it mean that I am a goddess
bimbónövesztő termésduzzasztó dated
all life on propagating seeds
drive me every woman in the bushes on a hill
meadow of grass weeds in the garden
bedding celery
the apple trees are not a party girl
three thousand years ago my husband
Do you hear that there is no lover
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