Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Blush Lisburn Road, Belfast

Ithaka Odysseus's palace

origo, 2010. August 25
Ulysses in the ancient epic by the fall of Troy, after ten years, sailed, till hazatérhetett Ithakára, where his wife Penelope besieged by suitors, but a hero to his father and his son murdered them and then re-occupied its rightful place. The island of Ithaka
Greek archaeologists now digging came up with a surprising announcement: according to that found Odyssey is also included in the palace. The experts from the University of Ioannina 16 years after the excavation of a huge, three-story building was found, which was carved into the rock stairways, and pottery discovered on the ground that under the 8th BC used for centuries. In addition, one of the 13th BC century were also found in wells. The building is also very similar to the palaces of Mycenae and Pülosz.

leading the excavations of the palace, according to Professor Papadopoulos Thanasszisz corresponds in every detail of the epic read, and declarations of joy expressed that it could also be demonstrated archaeologically in 2006, is presented in theory. The Greek culture ministry immediately announced the continuation of research funding, while local governments also expressed support for the professionals.

The announcement, however, members of the scientific community was skeptical: Adriano La Regina Italian archaeologist eposzokban in the shapes made up, so now is not the veracity of the Odyssey, Odysseus, or just a question of the existence of the essence, but the discovery of archaeological value of the palace.

The question is further complicated by the kingdom of Ithaka whereabouts is not clear: while the palace was discovered Ithakin, Robert Bittlestone British researchers previously had argued that the ancient could Ithaka Kefalonia. In fact, with the currently known Paliki peninsula in ancient times the island was still, only channel separating the mainland and the subsequent earthquakes filled with falling stones.


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