the hell
pity would have been kept secret forever, how to escape the 1944th March 19, a Jewish baby was born in Budapest from certain death. The Holocaust Memorial Center (HKE) gyűjteménygyarapító call occurred in the two venerable old lady who told me all this.
Valaczkay Gabriella Catholic woman, who took over the szülészorvostól baby care, the harboring of Nazi checks: closet, basement, attic. Spring 2010 - when the liberation of Auschwitz 65th HKE anniversary of the declared collection 'call dömpingszerűen began to enter the material - this he remembered the two women to tell their stories Szécsényi Andrew. University of the history of museology and history graduate of the University is already gyűjteményvezető the two world wars radikalizmusokkal deal between right-wing, so it was almost clear that - although Catholic - Memorial to go to work.
- three times this year, we reported the emlékeikkel than previously - Szécsényi says. This year sixty-five donor does not mean that so many objects were added to the collections, as it was, who cracked two photographs, but also a who is five hundred pieces of complete correspondence given to them. True, the latter being digitized version. - Many people insist on original documents, which is understandable, given they are pictures of them, letters, diaries, their memory is the only exiled family members.
special about leszármazókkal, especially in the so-called third generation: the grandchildren of survivors. While the second generation, called their parents and younger children throughout Judaism was taboo, while the strong desire of theirs again kibogozására the past and the search for identity. Most often they come in the HKE-surviving ancestors legacy. Sometimes, however, is - like a mentally and physically frail, childless néninél, received letters from her husband who was in labor historians - who do not have to pass on these subjects. Many perceive that the Peacock is the best place on the street.
same reason Imréné Schwarcz has recently been brought to the Bertha Messinger leather handbag, which Szécsényi Andrew lehámozni the paper with your fingertips just dare not to paint lepattogjon more about it. The glory days of November 1944 was accompanied by Schwarcznét brick-red bag, who then launched a halálmenettel the German border. There he waited for his master until the roadblock dug Hegyeshalom border crossing, because even if Hitler believed that the Imperial Védőállás protect your territóriumát the Russians. Berta's only asset was lurking under his arm in the Bergen-Belsen rattling wagon, and he swung at the hands of the way home, after the liberation. That the whole
during the Holocaust, and even further sixty-five years was able to maintain this in the bag, amazing rarity, says Andrew Szécsényi. Like the carved stick, which is a Hungarian labor camp Jewish man carved Carpathia, which had not followed exactly, a trench dug or constructed railway line. Point, as another site of George Lang, who made the photographs during sínfektetés still healthy, in fact, show a robust middle-aged men. To which country he served, in the tiny Leica film photos are not made clear. Nor is exactly what happened to him in May 1943, when the Red Cross Office of the reporter's disappearance on a document dated. Complete this bequest in the voluminous letters and Mrs Lang was born in 1910 in addition to his wife, the birth certificate is Etelka Raps - felmenőinél important "izr 'entry - which is 1938th of the October date HKE-specific document collections.
- Good őrzünk some of those documents, because in May of this year published the first Jewish Law, which required proof of origin of the people - says Andrew Szécsényi. Then one of three four-inch envelope, yellowed strew me photos. A lady gave them, a little girl who lived in the ghetto of Budapest, Hungary, the recordings made by the father. People are on them, heaps hajigálva. The woman is showing one of the garter. A bald Uncle tűhegynél parányibb eyes are still watching. Andrew Szécsényi no idea how this photograph from the civil exhumation 1945th On 28 January, the Great Synagogue in the garden.
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