Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How To Put On Aggressive Skates

Imre Payer: Tekno

Mátraaljai A grandmother lived in the village. There was a
mosóteknője. Weekends
nagymosást held.
Outside, the yard was washing laundry in a yellowish-brown shell.
Morning, radiating sun shone drought, then the richer
afternoon. Save the day with its walking. heard the roar rising and ran away from there.
evening, the fountain next to the broom guitar mimicking the neighbor boy.
We said we will base band. But we could not find a name. Suddenly I looked at the wall
reverse shell.
Tekno! Tekno! Let the name of the band trough. We laughed.
Years later, a rotted tub. Thrown out.
But the name does not punk out.
Later, my grandmother died. Then the council
lebontatta the house and car park built into the site.
the birds are gone, slamming the axes of the logs. But the hens
as a voice recording visszajátszódó
hear again and again. The ax struck the image of a log

as visszajátszódó movie
see you again and again - to myself.
If not I will be the name remains.
unraveled the insidious roar of the pile as well.
Now I sit here in Budapest at the computer.
dry weather in the morning and the afternoon passed.
Go to the circle of his day.


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