For many years my passion and passion is to prepare the tinctures. I use a tincture of moonshine. Fresh fruit, sugar, then wash flood marinated for a few days to let go juice. Then pour out upon the resulting juice and mix with bimbrem. Autumn and winter evenings with kieliszeczkiem tincture will make the time after a busy day.

Bimber instead of vodka. Exactly the price of one liter of spirits does not allow for the manufacture of large quantities of refined samczych and tinctures. Monopoly goods are too expensive and their quality is not always the best. Just drink a half liter of vodka even better the next day to have a terrible hangover. Bimber, who will prepare the home conditions did not give such strong signs of a hangover as the vodka bought in stores.
drawing or forcing moonshine for personal use is not prohibited so we do not risk anything for his driving, we can run moonshine vodka instead of buying in any quantities. Provided, however, that we will not sell it. At a time when vodka, sugar, meat, and several other items were rationed, forcing moonshine was practiced by almost everyone. Then księżycówką moonshine called because of the time in which to brew moonshine. Evenings and late at night when the neighbors have wyciągało burn up the apparatus and was preparing the mash. You have to remember that in times of PRL was an illegal trial and threatened to severe fines for it.
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