borrow gold? Holocaust Papers
could not revealing the bottom of Lake Baikal is found, reminiscent of bars in the two bright objects in the Mir deep-sea kutatóhajó, which on Monday completed its work this year on the lake. It is possible to borrow sights encountered. The shiny things
found 480 meters below the surface, where last year a wagon from the time of the Civil War have been discovered. This year, the same found in everyday objects, from which more could have been taken to the surface.
the research participant the Interfax news agency said, is now precisely known coordinates of the place where gold Loan cells, and the divers continue their search. "While no confirmation as to what lies deep in the lake, continue to take advantage of the beautiful legend" - the person said. Many argue that because the gold was never in the lake, and has long since been lost. The two
bathyscaphe Mir in 2008, began research on Lake Baikal, the deepest point so far reached 1,580 feet, while the maximum depth of 1,637 meters of the lake. The two vehicles last year's dive bajkáli one of them descended into the depths of the lake in the center of Buddhism in Russia, by Dagba Ocsirov Lama, and a depth of 1,370 meters representing a horse, a small statue devoted to the sacred lake.
Loan Admiral Alexander (1874-1920) Russian Civil War, the White Guard was a leading figure in the East, Russia and the whites have been made governor. Russia aranytartalékának about half, more than 500 tons Kazanyból long after vándorút Omsk, there and Loan was in the hands. He, however, only about one-tenth - 650 million, 68 million rubles - used for arms purchases from him.
the other gold in late autumn 1919 a rail assembly rakatta and Nyizsnyeudinszkba started. There, he had forced the Entente representatives to resign from the Governor addresses the gold was handed over to the storage unit there in Czechoslovakia. Kolcsakot betrayed into the hands of the Communists was, and was executed in January 1920. February
Czechoslovakia, 409 million rubles worth of gold given to the Soviet Union, and the soldiers go home. The financial statement of the Government Commissioner in 1921, then according to 235.6 million rubles, or 182 tonnes of gold it was. Additional 35 million rubles have already disappeared from the top it is still looking for missing part. In recent years, borrowing more and more prestige again enjoys the support of the Russian leadership: sculptures, films and praise idealizálják shape.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Funny Congratulations Having A Baby
Bimber, instead of vodka
For many years my passion and passion is to prepare the tinctures. I use a tincture of moonshine. Fresh fruit, sugar, then wash flood marinated for a few days to let go juice. Then pour out upon the resulting juice and mix with bimbrem. Autumn and winter evenings with kieliszeczkiem tincture will make the time after a busy day.
Bimber instead of vodka. Exactly the price of one liter of spirits does not allow for the manufacture of large quantities of refined samczych and tinctures. Monopoly goods are too expensive and their quality is not always the best. Just drink a half liter of vodka even better the next day to have a terrible hangover. Bimber, who will prepare the home conditions did not give such strong signs of a hangover as the vodka bought in stores.
drawing or forcing moonshine for personal use is not prohibited so we do not risk anything for his driving, we can run moonshine vodka instead of buying in any quantities. Provided, however, that we will not sell it. At a time when vodka, sugar, meat, and several other items were rationed, forcing moonshine was practiced by almost everyone. Then księżycówką moonshine called because of the time in which to brew moonshine. Evenings and late at night when the neighbors have wyciągało burn up the apparatus and was preparing the mash. You have to remember that in times of PRL was an illegal trial and threatened to severe fines for it.
For many years my passion and passion is to prepare the tinctures. I use a tincture of moonshine. Fresh fruit, sugar, then wash flood marinated for a few days to let go juice. Then pour out upon the resulting juice and mix with bimbrem. Autumn and winter evenings with kieliszeczkiem tincture will make the time after a busy day.

Bimber instead of vodka. Exactly the price of one liter of spirits does not allow for the manufacture of large quantities of refined samczych and tinctures. Monopoly goods are too expensive and their quality is not always the best. Just drink a half liter of vodka even better the next day to have a terrible hangover. Bimber, who will prepare the home conditions did not give such strong signs of a hangover as the vodka bought in stores.
drawing or forcing moonshine for personal use is not prohibited so we do not risk anything for his driving, we can run moonshine vodka instead of buying in any quantities. Provided, however, that we will not sell it. At a time when vodka, sugar, meat, and several other items were rationed, forcing moonshine was practiced by almost everyone. Then księżycówką moonshine called because of the time in which to brew moonshine. Evenings and late at night when the neighbors have wyciągało burn up the apparatus and was preparing the mash. You have to remember that in times of PRL was an illegal trial and threatened to severe fines for it.
Mirena Cause Different Taste
the hell
Valaczkay Gabriella Catholic woman, who took over the szülészorvostól baby care, the harboring of Nazi checks: closet, basement, attic. Spring 2010 - when the liberation of Auschwitz 65th HKE anniversary of the declared collection 'call dömpingszerűen began to enter the material - this he remembered the two women to tell their stories Szécsényi Andrew. University of the history of museology and history graduate of the University is already gyűjteményvezető the two world wars radikalizmusokkal deal between right-wing, so it was almost clear that - although Catholic - Memorial to go to work.
- three times this year, we reported the emlékeikkel than previously - Szécsényi says. This year sixty-five donor does not mean that so many objects were added to the collections, as it was, who cracked two photographs, but also a who is five hundred pieces of complete correspondence given to them. True, the latter being digitized version. - Many people insist on original documents, which is understandable, given they are pictures of them, letters, diaries, their memory is the only exiled family members.
special about leszármazókkal, especially in the so-called third generation: the grandchildren of survivors. While the second generation, called their parents and younger children throughout Judaism was taboo, while the strong desire of theirs again kibogozására the past and the search for identity. Most often they come in the HKE-surviving ancestors legacy. Sometimes, however, is - like a mentally and physically frail, childless néninél, received letters from her husband who was in labor historians - who do not have to pass on these subjects. Many perceive that the Peacock is the best place on the street.
same reason Imréné Schwarcz has recently been brought to the Bertha Messinger leather handbag, which Szécsényi Andrew lehámozni the paper with your fingertips just dare not to paint lepattogjon more about it. The glory days of November 1944 was accompanied by Schwarcznét brick-red bag, who then launched a halálmenettel the German border. There he waited for his master until the roadblock dug Hegyeshalom border crossing, because even if Hitler believed that the Imperial Védőállás protect your territóriumát the Russians. Berta's only asset was lurking under his arm in the Bergen-Belsen rattling wagon, and he swung at the hands of the way home, after the liberation. That the whole
during the Holocaust, and even further sixty-five years was able to maintain this in the bag, amazing rarity, says Andrew Szécsényi. Like the carved stick, which is a Hungarian labor camp Jewish man carved Carpathia, which had not followed exactly, a trench dug or constructed railway line. Point, as another site of George Lang, who made the photographs during sínfektetés still healthy, in fact, show a robust middle-aged men. To which country he served, in the tiny Leica film photos are not made clear. Nor is exactly what happened to him in May 1943, when the Red Cross Office of the reporter's disappearance on a document dated. Complete this bequest in the voluminous letters and Mrs Lang was born in 1910 in addition to his wife, the birth certificate is Etelka Raps - felmenőinél important "izr 'entry - which is 1938th of the October date HKE-specific document collections.
- Good őrzünk some of those documents, because in May of this year published the first Jewish Law, which required proof of origin of the people - says Andrew Szécsényi. Then one of three four-inch envelope, yellowed strew me photos. A lady gave them, a little girl who lived in the ghetto of Budapest, Hungary, the recordings made by the father. People are on them, heaps hajigálva. The woman is showing one of the garter. A bald Uncle tűhegynél parányibb eyes are still watching. Andrew Szécsényi no idea how this photograph from the civil exhumation 1945th On 28 January, the Great Synagogue in the garden.
This year, three times as much material on the Holocaust Memorial Donation
pity would have been kept secret forever, how to escape the 1944th March 19, a Jewish baby was born in Budapest from certain death. The Holocaust Memorial Center (HKE) gyűjteménygyarapító call occurred in the two venerable old lady who told me all this. Valaczkay Gabriella Catholic woman, who took over the szülészorvostól baby care, the harboring of Nazi checks: closet, basement, attic. Spring 2010 - when the liberation of Auschwitz 65th HKE anniversary of the declared collection 'call dömpingszerűen began to enter the material - this he remembered the two women to tell their stories Szécsényi Andrew. University of the history of museology and history graduate of the University is already gyűjteményvezető the two world wars radikalizmusokkal deal between right-wing, so it was almost clear that - although Catholic - Memorial to go to work.
- three times this year, we reported the emlékeikkel than previously - Szécsényi says. This year sixty-five donor does not mean that so many objects were added to the collections, as it was, who cracked two photographs, but also a who is five hundred pieces of complete correspondence given to them. True, the latter being digitized version. - Many people insist on original documents, which is understandable, given they are pictures of them, letters, diaries, their memory is the only exiled family members.
special about leszármazókkal, especially in the so-called third generation: the grandchildren of survivors. While the second generation, called their parents and younger children throughout Judaism was taboo, while the strong desire of theirs again kibogozására the past and the search for identity. Most often they come in the HKE-surviving ancestors legacy. Sometimes, however, is - like a mentally and physically frail, childless néninél, received letters from her husband who was in labor historians - who do not have to pass on these subjects. Many perceive that the Peacock is the best place on the street.
same reason Imréné Schwarcz has recently been brought to the Bertha Messinger leather handbag, which Szécsényi Andrew lehámozni the paper with your fingertips just dare not to paint lepattogjon more about it. The glory days of November 1944 was accompanied by Schwarcznét brick-red bag, who then launched a halálmenettel the German border. There he waited for his master until the roadblock dug Hegyeshalom border crossing, because even if Hitler believed that the Imperial Védőállás protect your territóriumát the Russians. Berta's only asset was lurking under his arm in the Bergen-Belsen rattling wagon, and he swung at the hands of the way home, after the liberation. That the whole
during the Holocaust, and even further sixty-five years was able to maintain this in the bag, amazing rarity, says Andrew Szécsényi. Like the carved stick, which is a Hungarian labor camp Jewish man carved Carpathia, which had not followed exactly, a trench dug or constructed railway line. Point, as another site of George Lang, who made the photographs during sínfektetés still healthy, in fact, show a robust middle-aged men. To which country he served, in the tiny Leica film photos are not made clear. Nor is exactly what happened to him in May 1943, when the Red Cross Office of the reporter's disappearance on a document dated. Complete this bequest in the voluminous letters and Mrs Lang was born in 1910 in addition to his wife, the birth certificate is Etelka Raps - felmenőinél important "izr 'entry - which is 1938th of the October date HKE-specific document collections.
- Good őrzünk some of those documents, because in May of this year published the first Jewish Law, which required proof of origin of the people - says Andrew Szécsényi. Then one of three four-inch envelope, yellowed strew me photos. A lady gave them, a little girl who lived in the ghetto of Budapest, Hungary, the recordings made by the father. People are on them, heaps hajigálva. The woman is showing one of the garter. A bald Uncle tűhegynél parányibb eyes are still watching. Andrew Szécsényi no idea how this photograph from the civil exhumation 1945th On 28 January, the Great Synagogue in the garden.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Blush Lisburn Road, Belfast
Ithaka Odysseus's palace
origo, 2010. August 25
a newly discovered, ie the 8th century palace that was used Odysseus was home - that of a Greek archaeologist, who believes that this also means that the hero of Homer's eposzának really existed. Ulysses in the ancient epic by the fall of Troy, after ten years, sailed, till hazatérhetett Ithakára, where his wife Penelope besieged by suitors, but a hero to his father and his son murdered them and then re-occupied its rightful place. The island of Ithaka
Greek archaeologists now digging came up with a surprising announcement: according to that found Odyssey is also included in the palace. The experts from the University of Ioannina 16 years after the excavation of a huge, three-story building was found, which was carved into the rock stairways, and pottery discovered on the ground that under the 8th BC used for centuries. In addition, one of the 13th BC century were also found in wells. The building is also very similar to the palaces of Mycenae and Pülosz.
leading the excavations of the palace, according to Professor Papadopoulos Thanasszisz corresponds in every detail of the epic read, and declarations of joy expressed that it could also be demonstrated archaeologically in 2006, is presented in theory. The Greek culture ministry immediately announced the continuation of research funding, while local governments also expressed support for the professionals.
The announcement, however, members of the scientific community was skeptical: Adriano La Regina Italian archaeologist eposzokban in the shapes made up, so now is not the veracity of the Odyssey, Odysseus, or just a question of the existence of the essence, but the discovery of archaeological value of the palace.
The question is further complicated by the kingdom of Ithaka whereabouts is not clear: while the palace was discovered Ithakin, Robert Bittlestone British researchers previously had argued that the ancient could Ithaka Kefalonia. In fact, with the currently known Paliki peninsula in ancient times the island was still, only channel separating the mainland and the subsequent earthquakes filled with falling stones.
origo, 2010. August 25
Greek archaeologists now digging came up with a surprising announcement: according to that found Odyssey is also included in the palace. The experts from the University of Ioannina 16 years after the excavation of a huge, three-story building was found, which was carved into the rock stairways, and pottery discovered on the ground that under the 8th BC used for centuries. In addition, one of the 13th BC century were also found in wells. The building is also very similar to the palaces of Mycenae and Pülosz.
leading the excavations of the palace, according to Professor Papadopoulos Thanasszisz corresponds in every detail of the epic read, and declarations of joy expressed that it could also be demonstrated archaeologically in 2006, is presented in theory. The Greek culture ministry immediately announced the continuation of research funding, while local governments also expressed support for the professionals.
The announcement, however, members of the scientific community was skeptical: Adriano La Regina Italian archaeologist eposzokban in the shapes made up, so now is not the veracity of the Odyssey, Odysseus, or just a question of the existence of the essence, but the discovery of archaeological value of the palace.
The question is further complicated by the kingdom of Ithaka whereabouts is not clear: while the palace was discovered Ithakin, Robert Bittlestone British researchers previously had argued that the ancient could Ithaka Kefalonia. In fact, with the currently known Paliki peninsula in ancient times the island was still, only channel separating the mainland and the subsequent earthquakes filled with falling stones.
Bath Shower Screen With Water Deflector Wedge
Hope you can find in the Gulf of Mexico: New bacteria appeared in the water olajfaló
origo, Gabor Pesthy disaster occurred in April, following an amazing amount of oil spilled into the sea in the Gulf of Mexico. The oil under the sea is cloudlike shapes grouped. One of these deep-water formation is examined, the researchers discovered that a known and previously unknown olajbontó bacteria proliferated in the vicinity of oil spills.
The experiments, however, showed that 5-degree Celsius environment, these bacteria quickly break down hydrocarbons, such as rapid in their natural half-life. The researchers therefore say that the gamma-proteobaktériumok now found the representatives (which also had two new species) play a significant role in the depth olajfelhő metabolism. So hope that will place more rapidly than expected in deep-sea ecosystem structural imbalance.
Source: Science / AAAS
origo, Gabor Pesthy disaster occurred in April, following an amazing amount of oil spilled into the sea in the Gulf of Mexico. The oil under the sea is cloudlike shapes grouped. One of these deep-water formation is examined, the researchers discovered that a known and previously unknown olajbontó bacteria proliferated in the vicinity of oil spills.
The Berkeley Lab researchers in the Deepwater Horizon helyénél sinking depth of approximately 1100 meters, 2010. May 25 2 June Water samples were analyzed in between. This place other researchers have found a significant olajfelhő (this is the depth of the oil pehelyszerű shapes composed of formulas) to form. Terry Hazen and his colleagues are not the olajfelhő nature, but its biology was studied.
It turned out that the depth olajfelhőből samples very rich in the so-called gamma-proteobaktériumok (medical and scientific point of view, extremely significant baktériumcsoport) with different representatives. The bacteria in water samples DNA analysis found that the majority of the microbes that resulting from Oceanospirillales to come out. Almost all the identified baktériumról known to break down the hydrocarbons in cold environments, and stimulating environment in the petroleum operations. The researchers also found evidence of this: in the samples of fatty acids in biological oil degradation occurred. unlike many other bacteria, these olajevő hidegkedvelő gamma-proteobaktériumok do not use oxygen dissolved in the oil breaking down. Therefore, the traditional methods of estimating degradation of oil (which is used for the determination of oxygen) can easily ignore the activities of these bacteria. The experiments, however, showed that 5-degree Celsius environment, these bacteria quickly break down hydrocarbons, such as rapid in their natural half-life. The researchers therefore say that the gamma-proteobaktériumok now found the representatives (which also had two new species) play a significant role in the depth olajfelhő metabolism. So hope that will place more rapidly than expected in deep-sea ecosystem structural imbalance.
Source: Science / AAAS
Largest Indian Breasts
MTI, 2010. August 24 A Belgian journalist
scanned the DNA of relatives of Hitler, and came to the conclusion that the genetic map of the former Nazi leader as ancestors of Berbers, Somalis and even Ashkenazi Jews may have been, but Germans were the least. Jean-Paul Mulders
the Belgian magazine Knack published research surprising results. They considered that Hitler's relatives, show great similarities in the chromosomes of the seven main haplocsoportjából E1b1b-TV, which is quite rare in Western Europe. Which also follows from this result that Adolf Hitler would have hardly been happy. It proclaimed Aryan race against the Germans in the Nazi dictator was likely much more to do with Africa. Haplogroups in Greeks, Sicilians, and 20 percent of North Africans but is present in 50 to 80 percent.
The chromosomes in question most of the Moroccan Berbers, Somali, in fact, occur among Ashkenazi Jews - the latter, every second of this haplogroups. Spoken by The Knack Ronny Decorte, University of Leuven, the modern science of genetics expert that there are no races. The racial theory supermen do not exist, so the related species breed only in a perfect product of the imagination. Hitler's will - says the scientist - himself belonged to an ethnic group, which looked down. Mulders previously sought in Austria and Hitler United States, living in his father's relatives pointed to a showdown with the myth that Hitler during World War I had been born a child of a young French woman. Meanwhile, several people inquired about her genetic origin of Hitler.
The journalist managed to capture the Austrian rokontól a cigarette, the Long Island feed a napkin. They were able to analyze the basis of the boy's father inherited Y-chromosomes. The U.S. was the same in its Austrian and, ultimately, to Hitler belonged to the haplogroups.
The Knack magazine announced that they occur after the Russian government to allow an examination of a German bunker from the jaw, which assume that the suicide was Hitleré.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Build A Buggy With Motorbike Engine
Aryan Hitler was already only 10 million 4 thousand people are
mno, 2010. August 24
in the first half of the natural decline in almost a similar level than the same period last year. The international migration of population in Hungary, taking into account the population of 10 million at end-June 4 thousand was - announced the Central Statistical Office (KSH) on Tuesday.
Both births and deaths in the Western Transdanubian region had the smallest decrease. In the birth rate of 1,1 percent, but the number of deaths is only 1.3 percent had less than a year earlier.
result of all this - the CSO survey - 2010 First half of the regions of the Northern Great Plains and the South has increased in Central Hungary Central Transdanubia and significantly decreased the rate of natural decline in Northern Hungary and the previous year was nearly the same.
The number of marriages will continue to decline. First half of 2010 14,423 were married, which is almost 13 percent less than the same period of 2009.
mno, 2010. August 24
in the first half of the natural decline in almost a similar level than the same period last year. The international migration of population in Hungary, taking into account the population of 10 million at end-June 4 thousand was - announced the Central Statistical Office (KSH) on Tuesday.
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The preliminary data indicate that a total of 45,128 children were born, which is 4.3 percent less than a year earlier. In addition, however, the number of deaths was 64,683, which is also a decrease of 3.2 percent. of births and deaths declined in all regions, but there were differences in terms of scale. The most significant decrease in the number of births in the Northern Great Plains (8.2 percent) and in Northern Hungary (6.8 percent) showed. In the latter region, in addition to the decline in deaths was also the largest (4.4 percent). Both births and deaths in the Western Transdanubian region had the smallest decrease. In the birth rate of 1,1 percent, but the number of deaths is only 1.3 percent had less than a year earlier.
result of all this - the CSO survey - 2010 First half of the regions of the Northern Great Plains and the South has increased in Central Hungary Central Transdanubia and significantly decreased the rate of natural decline in Northern Hungary and the previous year was nearly the same.
The number of marriages will continue to decline. First half of 2010 14,423 were married, which is almost 13 percent less than the same period of 2009.
Which Veggies Are Beneficial In Colloidal Goitre?
Ninety years ago drove out the Poles in Warsaw to the Red Army
mno, 2010. August 14, Varga E. Laszlo
Kilencszázhúsz August Varsónál fought the Soviet-Russian and Polish army in the undeclared war battles which determined everything. The bet was that the Poles are able to protect their state's independence was reestablished in 1918. Losses are likely to have entailed bolshevization East-Central Europe, even taking advantage of the internal political situation in Germany, the Red Berlin would have been quite masírozhatott army. We Hungarians Bela Kun's return, new terror and suffering on the Soviet-Russians would win. A Sándor Simonyi-Semadam, then the government led by Paul Teleki was aware of this, the country's performance, taking into account all possibilities, calculated since 1919, watching the outcome of the war.
The Soviet-Polish conflict, while it also provided an opportunity to the Hungarian political and military leadership that megsegítse the Poles or even the consent of the Entente you can intervene, and thus achieve the amendment of the Trianon borders. (This was served in Paris, the French-Hungarian secret ongoing negotiations, which have begun before the signing of the Treaty of Trianon.) It came to Hungary several times to assist Poland in 1920. First of the 1920th first half of June, we will return. The Polish army - ahead of the Red Army's main attack - 1920th April 24, in alliance with the Ukrainian People's army launched an attack bolsevizált against the Ukraine. Kiev is also occupied by the Poles on May 7. Budapest for Foreign Affairs, Department of Defense and early May have prepared a secret Polish-Hungarian political and military alliance's draft. According to these two armies to cooperate in the struggle against the Bolsheviks, and, if necessary, the Hungarian army, armed assistance to the Poles. Signature has been made, nevertheless, substantial assistance to Hungary.
Soviet Russian influence in the Austrian agents propagandamunkájának Workers were not allowed out of the Poles in Austria ammunition manufactured in June 1920. Czechoslovakia to drag-heartedly sent the ammunition came from France, then in 1920 made it impossible for the delivery of the summer. Hungary has committed itself to it now, free of charge, from Austria to the Austrian and French ordnance train hundreds of shipment to Romania immediately transmit to Poland. The Hungarian-Polish cooperation in forms of high proportions. The Hungarian government has also contributed to, Polish military patrols to monitor the shipment from Hungary to Poland. The clearance has been carried out Püspökladány that the locomotive of the Hungarian-Romanian border replacing the valve without delay, continue to be launched immediately. The Polish coal provided the ammunition and the Hungarian Csepel locomotives, which are transported to the border, the train. The Polish Freight Wagons of transportation, because a piece of wagons for the Hungarian government did not give way to the Romanian territory.
Kilencszázhúsz June From 10 until 25 August, ten weeks - when the Danzig (Gdansk), dock workers unloaded again in the coming war material shipments - only Poland, Hungary could count on the help and support. Hungarian-made ammunition, and we have forwarded the French and Austrian war material shipments. Austria is not ammunition. However, while there was also the transfers of ammunition, Vienna, received in exchange for food. Munition is subsequently released from the Austrian railroad, because it magánszállítmányozási Companies transported, often eltitkolva that the recipient of Warsaw.
After the International Trade Union Confederation (Soviet-Russian propaganda, money and support), 1920th June announced a boycott against Hungary in the last third of the White Terror of the French ammunition not intended for the Poles in Austria, but the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, Zagreb came through, and what has been sent to Romania. (The White Terror, only served as a pretext, the real goal was to prevent transfers of ammunition.)
It should be noted that in 1920 In the summer of Hungary and Austria signed a separate agreement with Soviet Russia in the mutual hazaengedéséről prisoners. As a pretext, some megzsarolva the two countries, was included in the text of the Convention, each State to attest to the neutrality of the Soviet-Russian-Polish war, not to manufacture, does not supply or pass through the territory of war material to the Poles. Bolshevism, however, equally threatened by both countries, which for a time in Austria and Hungary did not comply with the start of the convention, so that prisoners - Who knows how many? - Finally left Russian soil.
the Polish army for a while could not stop the Soviet-Russian counterattack, retreated continuously. The government turned to Hungary on 13 July, harmincezres lovashadsereg LOAN request. Budapest was ready to help in the event that the Entente give consent, and it arms the Hungarian army. This in turn asked for the intercession of the Polish diplomacy of the Hungarian government. Army marched through Czechoslovakia have been moved. 1920th end of June, the Red Army lengyellakta areas reached. Honvédségünknek ordered the first days of August menetkészültséget. Did not take place in the armed assistance. Czechoslovakia announced on August 9, neutrality in the armed forces have left no passage or transit of ammunition. Benes, the Czechoslovak foreign minister had so much humor in Soviet Russia, that he offered him the territory of Transcarpathia. Given the prevailing
Poles huge ammunition - even in small quantities that they began their own production, which is far from covering the needs - and the Hungarian Minister of Defense 1920th Instruction dated July 8, immediately made available to the Polish army and then a million lőszertartalékát. Ordered at the same time, Csepel that only two weeks to produce the Poles. The remaining statements, the first factory production lőszersorozatot May 31 and 27 July between manufactured. Forty-eight days, 250 thousand pieces per day, which meant 12 million bullets. (The production and transportation held in March 1921, scored a total of 58 million units. In addition, we gave a moving ammunition kitchens, camp Bakehouses, infantry ammunition damper 40 million, 600 thousand magazine, millions of gun parts, too.)
On 3 July, Secretary of Defense Sosnkowski desperately sought to rapidly deliver the Csepel Manfred Weiss Steel and March and Fémműveknél ordered in May, millions of antipersonnel ammunition. The launch of high production was difficult because of shortage of ammunition was needed materials. The Romanian army occupied Budapest's withdrawal before the spoils of war has removed some of the equipment - artillery ammunition could not be manufactured - and the factory is largely looted stores, even tehervagonparkját, also took locomotives.
the available archival sources, newspaper and the 1920th Launched on July 10 Hungary 80 vagonnyi, about 20-22 million units karabélylőszerről not tell whether or produced in Hungary from Western Europe Was. It is not known when he delivered the above-quoted - by Hungarian Minister of Defense Instruction - nearly one million units in May and two weeks for production quantities of the Poles. It is possible that the 10 July 80 expediált wagon until it was made ammunition. (The factory-production statement does not decide the question.) Assembly of Czechoslovakia, were detained. Fortunately, he was returned, and this shipment came through Romania in Warsaw under the name Skierniewice small town in the 1920th on August 12. Distributed immediately, making the ammunition have won the battle of Warsaw.
In early August, the French government - the result of Soviet-Russian successes - has contributed to Hungary's military assistance to the Poles, with the condition that they pass through the territory of the Czechoslovak army corps. But this has prevented the northern neighbor, when the 1920th August 9, announced its neutrality.
The final was, however, the Hungarian lőszersegély. Ammunition was so large the deficit in late July, August At the beginning, that karabélyonként seven rounds of ammunition were available at the front, and the use of military weapons unnecessarily penalized. Minutes of the National Defence Council that the Polish army without ammunition supply at the latest on August 14 would have run out. Tuhacsevszkij, the Red Army in Warsaw against the general manager knew this, and this day set for the capture of the city. There also came the outskirts of these days, but was never able to conquer them.
next day started with a very bloody siege. The diplomatic corps has Poznań previously transferred to the papal nuncio alone Achille Ratti, later in the XI. Pius was the Poles. Russian prisoners of war in the streets cleaned, the people of Warsaw was calm and confident, despite the introduction of martial law. This measure is mainly infiltrated by Soviet agents and the Polish-Russian Communist Party members and sympathizers was directed against. A summary court - in front of the haditörvényszékek, civilians are also over the judges - have begun their work. The volunteer army, nearly one hundred thousand people, the contemporary documents and photographs show that even high school students, and even women have entered.
The Red Army did not comply with the rules of war. The surviving patients at the Polish military hospital ápolószemélyzettel szuronynyal stabbed with the Russians in the occupied territories fed themselves, women were raped. In some indescribable cruelty subunits were treated with the Poles: the captured soldiers were cut to the throat, arccsontjaikat smashed with rifle butts, their bodies mutilated. It is therefore understandable One of the command of General Sikorski, quoted by hand to another command lapszélére "ejtünk not prisoners of war." (This applies only to the Soviet soldiers of the unit concerned, which surely knew that his killing of the head.)
third day of the Polish attack, commenced on 16 August, the Soviets withdrew, a panic took place in the coming days. The Chinese nationality and became a military police soldiers fejvesztetten terror, despite the refugees back, they fled in front of the powerful Polish attack. Numerical
superiority, despite the Reds, that resulted in the defeat of the Soviet-Russians in the battle and the war as well. What was the reason? Tuhacsevszkij considered that the Polish army - Kiev backwards - in fact destroyed, and insignificant forces protecting the capital, there is no ammunition. Hardly existed in their own units of radio links, the encrypted messages, however, the Poles are tapped, and periodically changing the cipher repeatedly decoded, and even the Russians are the best radio station of the military captured during combat. The 27-year-old Russian Army - was tsarist lieutenant - presumptuously characterized by the following case. The Polish officer courier who brought the general order containing haditerveit counterattack, enemy fire was killed. The battle plan was immediately Tuhacsevszkijhez, but gave credit to the brave Poles haditervének, was intentionally misleading.
The main reason for success, however, the heroism of Polish soldiers, the great battle plan and the ammunition had arrived from Hungary.
Whichever of the three would have been missed, the Russian victory. The Polish defended his country, what is more important than for patriotism as a social situation, while the Russian hódítóként, fought in the hope of booty. That Trotsky, the Red Army Commander blankly accepted. But he should have been the best for you to know that the 123-year-old Russian tsarist occupation could not be erased overnight, the Poles' memory, and place the supranational beleírni confused idea of \u200b\u200bproletarian revolution. This revolution, and arriving in Poland's army is not seen as liberators , but also occupying, rabolva, pillaging, erőszakoskodva, murder.
The Hungarian government in Warsaw after the battle continued in the 200 wagons of ammunition production, delivery, and committed to a shipment of 400 wagons of French ordnance transfer to Warsaw. Unfortunately, the Hungarian public does not recognize our country's role in the Polish events of ninety years ago. The Battle of Warsaw is an integral part of the Polish national consciousness. The two countries took place in Hungary today is not the role of the scientific process. The author of these lines was able to keep the ninetieth anniversary lecture held an international conference in Warsaw in military science, and professional opinion before there is at least disclose the details of the forgotten past.
Józef Pilsudskinak, the Poles in Warsaw fővezérének read more from her pedestal of the statue erected in quotes. According to one of the people, a forgotten past, does not deserve a future. After this victory, warned his countrymen. It would be worthwhile for us to consider the warning.
Ninety years ago drove out the Poles in Warsaw to the Red Army
mno, 2010. August 14, Varga E. Laszlo
The Soviet-Polish conflict, while it also provided an opportunity to the Hungarian political and military leadership that megsegítse the Poles or even the consent of the Entente you can intervene, and thus achieve the amendment of the Trianon borders. (This was served in Paris, the French-Hungarian secret ongoing negotiations, which have begun before the signing of the Treaty of Trianon.) It came to Hungary several times to assist Poland in 1920. First of the 1920th first half of June, we will return. The Polish army - ahead of the Red Army's main attack - 1920th April 24, in alliance with the Ukrainian People's army launched an attack bolsevizált against the Ukraine. Kiev is also occupied by the Poles on May 7. Budapest for Foreign Affairs, Department of Defense and early May have prepared a secret Polish-Hungarian political and military alliance's draft. According to these two armies to cooperate in the struggle against the Bolsheviks, and, if necessary, the Hungarian army, armed assistance to the Poles. Signature has been made, nevertheless, substantial assistance to Hungary.
Soviet Russian influence in the Austrian agents propagandamunkájának Workers were not allowed out of the Poles in Austria ammunition manufactured in June 1920. Czechoslovakia to drag-heartedly sent the ammunition came from France, then in 1920 made it impossible for the delivery of the summer. Hungary has committed itself to it now, free of charge, from Austria to the Austrian and French ordnance train hundreds of shipment to Romania immediately transmit to Poland. The Hungarian-Polish cooperation in forms of high proportions. The Hungarian government has also contributed to, Polish military patrols to monitor the shipment from Hungary to Poland. The clearance has been carried out Püspökladány that the locomotive of the Hungarian-Romanian border replacing the valve without delay, continue to be launched immediately. The Polish coal provided the ammunition and the Hungarian Csepel locomotives, which are transported to the border, the train. The Polish Freight Wagons of transportation, because a piece of wagons for the Hungarian government did not give way to the Romanian territory.
Kilencszázhúsz June From 10 until 25 August, ten weeks - when the Danzig (Gdansk), dock workers unloaded again in the coming war material shipments - only Poland, Hungary could count on the help and support. Hungarian-made ammunition, and we have forwarded the French and Austrian war material shipments. Austria is not ammunition. However, while there was also the transfers of ammunition, Vienna, received in exchange for food. Munition is subsequently released from the Austrian railroad, because it magánszállítmányozási Companies transported, often eltitkolva that the recipient of Warsaw.
After the International Trade Union Confederation (Soviet-Russian propaganda, money and support), 1920th June announced a boycott against Hungary in the last third of the White Terror of the French ammunition not intended for the Poles in Austria, but the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, Zagreb came through, and what has been sent to Romania. (The White Terror, only served as a pretext, the real goal was to prevent transfers of ammunition.)
It should be noted that in 1920 In the summer of Hungary and Austria signed a separate agreement with Soviet Russia in the mutual hazaengedéséről prisoners. As a pretext, some megzsarolva the two countries, was included in the text of the Convention, each State to attest to the neutrality of the Soviet-Russian-Polish war, not to manufacture, does not supply or pass through the territory of war material to the Poles. Bolshevism, however, equally threatened by both countries, which for a time in Austria and Hungary did not comply with the start of the convention, so that prisoners - Who knows how many? - Finally left Russian soil.
the Polish army for a while could not stop the Soviet-Russian counterattack, retreated continuously. The government turned to Hungary on 13 July, harmincezres lovashadsereg LOAN request. Budapest was ready to help in the event that the Entente give consent, and it arms the Hungarian army. This in turn asked for the intercession of the Polish diplomacy of the Hungarian government. Army marched through Czechoslovakia have been moved. 1920th end of June, the Red Army lengyellakta areas reached. Honvédségünknek ordered the first days of August menetkészültséget. Did not take place in the armed assistance. Czechoslovakia announced on August 9, neutrality in the armed forces have left no passage or transit of ammunition. Benes, the Czechoslovak foreign minister had so much humor in Soviet Russia, that he offered him the territory of Transcarpathia. Given the prevailing
Poles huge ammunition - even in small quantities that they began their own production, which is far from covering the needs - and the Hungarian Minister of Defense 1920th Instruction dated July 8, immediately made available to the Polish army and then a million lőszertartalékát. Ordered at the same time, Csepel that only two weeks to produce the Poles. The remaining statements, the first factory production lőszersorozatot May 31 and 27 July between manufactured. Forty-eight days, 250 thousand pieces per day, which meant 12 million bullets. (The production and transportation held in March 1921, scored a total of 58 million units. In addition, we gave a moving ammunition kitchens, camp Bakehouses, infantry ammunition damper 40 million, 600 thousand magazine, millions of gun parts, too.)
On 3 July, Secretary of Defense Sosnkowski desperately sought to rapidly deliver the Csepel Manfred Weiss Steel and March and Fémműveknél ordered in May, millions of antipersonnel ammunition. The launch of high production was difficult because of shortage of ammunition was needed materials. The Romanian army occupied Budapest's withdrawal before the spoils of war has removed some of the equipment - artillery ammunition could not be manufactured - and the factory is largely looted stores, even tehervagonparkját, also took locomotives.
the available archival sources, newspaper and the 1920th Launched on July 10 Hungary 80 vagonnyi, about 20-22 million units karabélylőszerről not tell whether or produced in Hungary from Western Europe Was. It is not known when he delivered the above-quoted - by Hungarian Minister of Defense Instruction - nearly one million units in May and two weeks for production quantities of the Poles. It is possible that the 10 July 80 expediált wagon until it was made ammunition. (The factory-production statement does not decide the question.) Assembly of Czechoslovakia, were detained. Fortunately, he was returned, and this shipment came through Romania in Warsaw under the name Skierniewice small town in the 1920th on August 12. Distributed immediately, making the ammunition have won the battle of Warsaw.
In early August, the French government - the result of Soviet-Russian successes - has contributed to Hungary's military assistance to the Poles, with the condition that they pass through the territory of the Czechoslovak army corps. But this has prevented the northern neighbor, when the 1920th August 9, announced its neutrality.
The final was, however, the Hungarian lőszersegély. Ammunition was so large the deficit in late July, August At the beginning, that karabélyonként seven rounds of ammunition were available at the front, and the use of military weapons unnecessarily penalized. Minutes of the National Defence Council that the Polish army without ammunition supply at the latest on August 14 would have run out. Tuhacsevszkij, the Red Army in Warsaw against the general manager knew this, and this day set for the capture of the city. There also came the outskirts of these days, but was never able to conquer them.
next day started with a very bloody siege. The diplomatic corps has Poznań previously transferred to the papal nuncio alone Achille Ratti, later in the XI. Pius was the Poles. Russian prisoners of war in the streets cleaned, the people of Warsaw was calm and confident, despite the introduction of martial law. This measure is mainly infiltrated by Soviet agents and the Polish-Russian Communist Party members and sympathizers was directed against. A summary court - in front of the haditörvényszékek, civilians are also over the judges - have begun their work. The volunteer army, nearly one hundred thousand people, the contemporary documents and photographs show that even high school students, and even women have entered.
The Red Army did not comply with the rules of war. The surviving patients at the Polish military hospital ápolószemélyzettel szuronynyal stabbed with the Russians in the occupied territories fed themselves, women were raped. In some indescribable cruelty subunits were treated with the Poles: the captured soldiers were cut to the throat, arccsontjaikat smashed with rifle butts, their bodies mutilated. It is therefore understandable One of the command of General Sikorski, quoted by hand to another command lapszélére "ejtünk not prisoners of war." (This applies only to the Soviet soldiers of the unit concerned, which surely knew that his killing of the head.)
third day of the Polish attack, commenced on 16 August, the Soviets withdrew, a panic took place in the coming days. The Chinese nationality and became a military police soldiers fejvesztetten terror, despite the refugees back, they fled in front of the powerful Polish attack. Numerical
superiority, despite the Reds, that resulted in the defeat of the Soviet-Russians in the battle and the war as well. What was the reason? Tuhacsevszkij considered that the Polish army - Kiev backwards - in fact destroyed, and insignificant forces protecting the capital, there is no ammunition. Hardly existed in their own units of radio links, the encrypted messages, however, the Poles are tapped, and periodically changing the cipher repeatedly decoded, and even the Russians are the best radio station of the military captured during combat. The 27-year-old Russian Army - was tsarist lieutenant - presumptuously characterized by the following case. The Polish officer courier who brought the general order containing haditerveit counterattack, enemy fire was killed. The battle plan was immediately Tuhacsevszkijhez, but gave credit to the brave Poles haditervének, was intentionally misleading.
The main reason for success, however, the heroism of Polish soldiers, the great battle plan and the ammunition had arrived from Hungary.
Whichever of the three would have been missed, the Russian victory. The Polish defended his country, what is more important than for patriotism as a social situation, while the Russian hódítóként, fought in the hope of booty. That Trotsky, the Red Army Commander blankly accepted. But he should have been the best for you to know that the 123-year-old Russian tsarist occupation could not be erased overnight, the Poles' memory, and place the supranational beleírni confused idea of \u200b\u200bproletarian revolution. This revolution, and arriving in Poland's army is not seen as liberators , but also occupying, rabolva, pillaging, erőszakoskodva, murder.
The Hungarian government in Warsaw after the battle continued in the 200 wagons of ammunition production, delivery, and committed to a shipment of 400 wagons of French ordnance transfer to Warsaw. Unfortunately, the Hungarian public does not recognize our country's role in the Polish events of ninety years ago. The Battle of Warsaw is an integral part of the Polish national consciousness. The two countries took place in Hungary today is not the role of the scientific process. The author of these lines was able to keep the ninetieth anniversary lecture held an international conference in Warsaw in military science, and professional opinion before there is at least disclose the details of the forgotten past.
Józef Pilsudskinak, the Poles in Warsaw fővezérének read more from her pedestal of the statue erected in quotes. According to one of the people, a forgotten past, does not deserve a future. After this victory, warned his countrymen. It would be worthwhile for us to consider the warning.
Hotbird Frequency 2011
Japan city Service, food safety, public affairs - and although he kept his American GM soya available (1)
mno, 2010. August 14, D. Gabor Horvath
occurs more frequently in Japan, to school trips before the kids secretly föladják luggage on the way to avoid having the bags under izzadniuk. The previous day, also sent packages to arrive the next day to tour the place, thanks to mail-order company in the market to exploit the vulnerability. Question is whether it serves a beneficial the mental development of students, instead if the postman takes care of the trappings of this hike. In any event, the example is kitetszik that this country can be difficult to figure out new things or services, which still have massive demand. Japan the carefully constructed system of infrastructure and services, working with incredible accuracy. Whether it is hospital care, whether in transport, education, public administration. People are able to conduct their affairs smoothly, only minimal and the necessary official procedures on them.
Trains, planes transport the dates are real, as well as the scheduled meetings. Every second of accuracy really works, excluding a delay - which is apparently comforting to people because of all predictable, there are no surprises. The passengers in the modern IT tools without knowing the slower else can: the station of the metro to the airport ticket every computer terminal have access to - including the youngest and the elderly. In addition, help is available everywhere for those in need, namely the lack of this knowledge is not placed at a disadvantage populations - although such a man is not met. the form of taxis all over Japan are virtually identical, and many of the large automakers can produce a taxi. First I suspected some sort of nostalgia or fashion, back to the seventies greet them, and that everyone is using an old car. But it turned out, many of these brand-new car, but nowadays it is such an outdated produced in the form of taxis. Gas fuels in general, and the rear-door opening or closing bars separated from the passenger visor driver directs.
Budapest against a ten and a half million inhabitants, Tokyo is also true that there is indeed a city service. Metropolis, which are sized betondzsungelek amazing, breathtaking organized. It is not uncommon for houses to multi-track routings, path systems, railways are run over each other, Tokyo domestic traffic at the airport buildings staying off the affected machines. The town is remarkably little greenery, but beautifully kept ligeteiket okay. A few years ago was banished from the house walls covered with graffiti, and video surveillance cameras in almost every sweep through the squares, which does not interfere with the town dwellers. Demonstrates the shortcomings of urban planning, however, that the buildings without a shred of harmony often stand out from each other, but in public places, restaurants, trains, hotels and underpasses - everywhere - Perfect purity.
The people on the street is usually not only in the designated areas or on the street üvegkalickákban set up in smoke. Kyoto is the center of such a map indicating the tables published in the area that is approximately three thousand forints megszegőknek fine for the rule. That is, let's face it, much more realistic than the past few days have been introduced in Hungary! Us because if someone is smoking subway will receive a fine of thirty thousand forints to expect. When a reporter Cover Without selling newspaper, smoking homeless people asking about how you will pay this amount, I got the answer: not at all, he never had much money.
But back to Japan, where smoking in restaurants is usually not free. The waiters brought from home because of our experience everywhere felt the airy courteous, food quality and the inventor of sound, any restaurant, snack bar, also we went to Pub. Such as Fukuoka, where the world famous Kobe cattle the same quality, black cattle (in Japanese kuroge vagjú) tasted made with pepper. The eponymous Kobe beef famous Hungarian food experts stress that they live, and even there are some who claim the right places works by Mozart heard for them before being slaughtered and beer itatják Fat redistribution and the right to massage them. I could not ascertain the reliability of these claims, because the Japanese have the possibility of foot and mouth infection Animal Farm refused citing this presentation. And would be interested in the truth, because of the inability of a beef or any animal would be susceptible to a degree or twelve other European music. Moreover, these animals are seen by many as their lives are almost motionless, unaffected by tight spaces, so it is not the masszírozástól, but so are the fat marbled meat. In any event, this meat is very expensive in the shops. The Kyoto station is housed in a huge Japanese supermarket in the top ten minőségűből decade six thousand jenért (15-16 thousand HUF) betrayed. The little restaurant in Fukuoka,
friendly and easily directed to the owner. The counter seats útitársnőmmel Japanese, Umemura Juko, the Budapest University Department of Japanese adjunktusával, just opposite the cook, whose immaculate purity metal baking was a huge desktop. Chopped garlic first experienced strokes, then megpirította lenyesett fat from meat, then fried in butter with vegetables and mushrooms as a garnish. The two very rough chop appetizer League draw took place. After megpirította whole, much smaller, roughly cut them into pieces kétcentis the cook, pepper, seasoned with salt, then baked to medium in accordance with our request. And the result is ... well, you vowed to never again "fanyalodom" to this Japanese delicacy. Because, although without actually melted chewing apart the man's mouth, but because the meat is so fatty, like fried bacon. The Japanese love in any event. Another interest
restaurant - which was connected to a small grocery - the country's southernmost main island, Kjúsún tried. The store giant plastic whale ceiling hung up, indicating that the Japanese tradition of close relatives, but the whole world as a result of such an issue bálnahalászat mammalian meat can be obtained. The fagyasztópultból different sizes and types, foil packaged whale meat was a choice, the restaurant and ordered étlapjáról. Seeing next to this is that people ate, I succumbed to the terrible thought that the man did not try the friend, and a variety of fish and vegetables coupled with a dose of whale meat has also been requested by smaller balls, breaded and fried, served with lemon mayonnaise and up. Soft and tasty it was poor, there was no sign of fish characteristic aromas.
The Japanese would not have needed to whales, it is Tokyo's wholesale fish market was clear. The indoor market is located in a vast area in the morning I visited. Has arrived the morning catch in the Pacific Ocean, and wholesalers from the simple to the most edible marine wonders packaging, and retailers and restaurant owners were busy serving. The counters are routes between the bystander buyers along with a gas-powered vehicles carrying flickered up and down, which are incorporated in the tank of the government, under the direction and the speed is changed with the leading drivers' standing. This closed volume can be the easiest imagine that the major intersections of police officers directed them to the podium within the market. I felt so many times that if you have not jumped aside, surely would have run over one or the other one.
this country is not negligible organization of the World Summit on food security, which you can learn a lot of loud scandals Hungary. Ejszuke truck, Mr. Health, Labour and Welfare Ministry of Food Security Department csoportvezetőjének's account turns out to be a serious risk kezelik például a címkézést. Az élelmiszerek hatvan százaléka importból származik, ugyanakkor azon termékeket, amelyeket maguk is elő tudnak állítani, magas büntetővámokkal védik, hiába tiltakoznak ellene a külföldiek. A nagyságrendi sorrendben főként Kínából, Amerikából és Ausztráliából érkező élelmiszereken pontosan fel kell tüntetni a származási helyet; azt pedig magam is láttam, hogy a saját termékeiken – zöldségek, gyümölcsök zacskóin egyaránt – sokszor a termelő fényképe mellett neve, címe are also shown. The degree of deterrent punishments: the most serious cases, imprisonment for three years and three million yen (seven to eight million) may be imposed.
The quality of food from abroad to the state of the domestic products of the local governments. The planned and random checks as well. For those traders who have repeatedly occurred in error, withdraw from the export-import entitlement, their products are immediately removed from circulation. The Japanese producers and traders for the marketing of defective products following the suspension of three months, then half-year operating license revoked. Severe food poisoning and even hundreds of millions of yen (250 million) also impose a penalty. In comparison, readers can only think that the previous government under the Chief Veterinary Officers Nicholas Süth tehetetlenkedése because the system did not deter a challenge it is toxic, antibiotic honey producers, distributors and retailers of consumer health rongálásától. Not that a fine would have been a deterrent, nor does it take offense to the police have banned them from the next activity. Japan, of course, the dealer is liable. There is not úszhatják stores selling products on the false prosecution of the producers of mutogatással, as if to gain from it, they also need to know what they sell.
A specialist in the last two times in a scandal. Húsgombóckészítményei proved to be toxic to a Chinese company, and a Japanese company, poor quality of flour can be used only for animal feed have been released for human consumption átcímkézve. The Chinese food products otherwise the Japanese are satisfied, and the scandal referred to Mr. Lorry the law of large numbers can be, namely, that the most importélelmiszer from China. The public, however, became distrustful of the Chinese food over.
not wavered, however, in relation to trust the Americans, and all the tools are used to the weird movements GM plants in the world. These include the import of some European Union countries have been allowed to Hungary but, fortunately, still resists. Japanese disappointment in this respect, as also allow the as yet unpredictable effects of genetically engineered soy, which, moreover, the national dishes of most of its components. We learned from Mr. Lorry, that basically only the foods can be brought to Japan, which is satisfied that it is not harmful to human health. "How can this make? The GM Soy to the international professional public opinion that is not harmful to health. However, today no one can say exactly what about the longer term "- reflect the inconsistency of the food safety specialist. In any such products must indicate that genetically engineered or not. The processed foods - such as szójaszószból - but no longer can be shown that genetically engineered material made with, so this is not the product labels warn consumers, he adds Truck Ejszuke. (Contention Hungarian mikrobiológusoknál later at home I asked those who believe that processed foods can be shown that the genetically engineered plant material or not.) When asked whether he agrees with the marketing of GM products, he replied, that does not motivate people to buy such products . He said that is not a happy thing, but they can not prevent. Why it is not, not explained. The processed products are recommended for customers to find a manufacturer that is non-GM soya is used up. However, it complicated the detection of genetically engineered products that are involved in that foodstuff. The State can not say that the foreign buyers do not take soy, may indicate only that the product from abroad. Camels, radio, newspapers also do not give up ads, only the ministry's website published a description of genetically engineered szójáról, county or counties are called, walking up to the general public note that this is now available in stores. Which, let's face it, the defense édeskevés!
an explanation as to why, despite reasonable discretion are not against the Japanese in the GM soya beans, the relationship between the two countries lies. America, after having ruined the country, built it, and the resulting prosperity is now more dominant experience for them, like 65 years ago, the devastation. The development of genetically engineered crops, cultivation and popularization in the world the most well-capitalized U.S. companies interested in, and allow the import of such plants in Japan also represents a major retreat of a friend before. When the powerful American interests turned to the word, the ministry's expert stated that this is a political question, which he did not want to take a position. During the conversation later, it was found that Japanese companies have also termeszthetnének GM soy in the country, but even a single domestic company did not ask her permission. To the question that shopping whether he is wondering whether to give up what szójáért money or interest to the szójaszószról, what made the source material, Mr. Lorry answered: if you answer, you can not buy GM foods. She added that while there are customers who turn to chemicals sprayed szójától party, and thus has been genetically modified to look exactly.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating. I checked one of Tokyo's shopping mall, to indicate whether the packaging of the soybeans, genetically engineered plant that are involved. The various szójababokon not find such information, so I tried to inquire. Would otherwise be courteous in all respects fair store of disruptions to the seller asking about the issues of genetically engineered soya. Finally, the food class leader rushed there, but who did not understand exactly what I'm curious.
Japan city Service, food safety, public affairs - and although he kept his American GM soya available (1)
mno, 2010. August 14, D. Gabor Horvath
Trains, planes transport the dates are real, as well as the scheduled meetings. Every second of accuracy really works, excluding a delay - which is apparently comforting to people because of all predictable, there are no surprises. The passengers in the modern IT tools without knowing the slower else can: the station of the metro to the airport ticket every computer terminal have access to - including the youngest and the elderly. In addition, help is available everywhere for those in need, namely the lack of this knowledge is not placed at a disadvantage populations - although such a man is not met. the form of taxis all over Japan are virtually identical, and many of the large automakers can produce a taxi. First I suspected some sort of nostalgia or fashion, back to the seventies greet them, and that everyone is using an old car. But it turned out, many of these brand-new car, but nowadays it is such an outdated produced in the form of taxis. Gas fuels in general, and the rear-door opening or closing bars separated from the passenger visor driver directs.
Budapest against a ten and a half million inhabitants, Tokyo is also true that there is indeed a city service. Metropolis, which are sized betondzsungelek amazing, breathtaking organized. It is not uncommon for houses to multi-track routings, path systems, railways are run over each other, Tokyo domestic traffic at the airport buildings staying off the affected machines. The town is remarkably little greenery, but beautifully kept ligeteiket okay. A few years ago was banished from the house walls covered with graffiti, and video surveillance cameras in almost every sweep through the squares, which does not interfere with the town dwellers. Demonstrates the shortcomings of urban planning, however, that the buildings without a shred of harmony often stand out from each other, but in public places, restaurants, trains, hotels and underpasses - everywhere - Perfect purity.
The people on the street is usually not only in the designated areas or on the street üvegkalickákban set up in smoke. Kyoto is the center of such a map indicating the tables published in the area that is approximately three thousand forints megszegőknek fine for the rule. That is, let's face it, much more realistic than the past few days have been introduced in Hungary! Us because if someone is smoking subway will receive a fine of thirty thousand forints to expect. When a reporter Cover Without selling newspaper, smoking homeless people asking about how you will pay this amount, I got the answer: not at all, he never had much money.
But back to Japan, where smoking in restaurants is usually not free. The waiters brought from home because of our experience everywhere felt the airy courteous, food quality and the inventor of sound, any restaurant, snack bar, also we went to Pub. Such as Fukuoka, where the world famous Kobe cattle the same quality, black cattle (in Japanese kuroge vagjú) tasted made with pepper. The eponymous Kobe beef famous Hungarian food experts stress that they live, and even there are some who claim the right places works by Mozart heard for them before being slaughtered and beer itatják Fat redistribution and the right to massage them. I could not ascertain the reliability of these claims, because the Japanese have the possibility of foot and mouth infection Animal Farm refused citing this presentation. And would be interested in the truth, because of the inability of a beef or any animal would be susceptible to a degree or twelve other European music. Moreover, these animals are seen by many as their lives are almost motionless, unaffected by tight spaces, so it is not the masszírozástól, but so are the fat marbled meat. In any event, this meat is very expensive in the shops. The Kyoto station is housed in a huge Japanese supermarket in the top ten minőségűből decade six thousand jenért (15-16 thousand HUF) betrayed. The little restaurant in Fukuoka,
friendly and easily directed to the owner. The counter seats útitársnőmmel Japanese, Umemura Juko, the Budapest University Department of Japanese adjunktusával, just opposite the cook, whose immaculate purity metal baking was a huge desktop. Chopped garlic first experienced strokes, then megpirította lenyesett fat from meat, then fried in butter with vegetables and mushrooms as a garnish. The two very rough chop appetizer League draw took place. After megpirította whole, much smaller, roughly cut them into pieces kétcentis the cook, pepper, seasoned with salt, then baked to medium in accordance with our request. And the result is ... well, you vowed to never again "fanyalodom" to this Japanese delicacy. Because, although without actually melted chewing apart the man's mouth, but because the meat is so fatty, like fried bacon. The Japanese love in any event. Another interest
restaurant - which was connected to a small grocery - the country's southernmost main island, Kjúsún tried. The store giant plastic whale ceiling hung up, indicating that the Japanese tradition of close relatives, but the whole world as a result of such an issue bálnahalászat mammalian meat can be obtained. The fagyasztópultból different sizes and types, foil packaged whale meat was a choice, the restaurant and ordered étlapjáról. Seeing next to this is that people ate, I succumbed to the terrible thought that the man did not try the friend, and a variety of fish and vegetables coupled with a dose of whale meat has also been requested by smaller balls, breaded and fried, served with lemon mayonnaise and up. Soft and tasty it was poor, there was no sign of fish characteristic aromas.
The Japanese would not have needed to whales, it is Tokyo's wholesale fish market was clear. The indoor market is located in a vast area in the morning I visited. Has arrived the morning catch in the Pacific Ocean, and wholesalers from the simple to the most edible marine wonders packaging, and retailers and restaurant owners were busy serving. The counters are routes between the bystander buyers along with a gas-powered vehicles carrying flickered up and down, which are incorporated in the tank of the government, under the direction and the speed is changed with the leading drivers' standing. This closed volume can be the easiest imagine that the major intersections of police officers directed them to the podium within the market. I felt so many times that if you have not jumped aside, surely would have run over one or the other one.
this country is not negligible organization of the World Summit on food security, which you can learn a lot of loud scandals Hungary. Ejszuke truck, Mr. Health, Labour and Welfare Ministry of Food Security Department csoportvezetőjének's account turns out to be a serious risk kezelik például a címkézést. Az élelmiszerek hatvan százaléka importból származik, ugyanakkor azon termékeket, amelyeket maguk is elő tudnak állítani, magas büntetővámokkal védik, hiába tiltakoznak ellene a külföldiek. A nagyságrendi sorrendben főként Kínából, Amerikából és Ausztráliából érkező élelmiszereken pontosan fel kell tüntetni a származási helyet; azt pedig magam is láttam, hogy a saját termékeiken – zöldségek, gyümölcsök zacskóin egyaránt – sokszor a termelő fényképe mellett neve, címe are also shown. The degree of deterrent punishments: the most serious cases, imprisonment for three years and three million yen (seven to eight million) may be imposed.
The quality of food from abroad to the state of the domestic products of the local governments. The planned and random checks as well. For those traders who have repeatedly occurred in error, withdraw from the export-import entitlement, their products are immediately removed from circulation. The Japanese producers and traders for the marketing of defective products following the suspension of three months, then half-year operating license revoked. Severe food poisoning and even hundreds of millions of yen (250 million) also impose a penalty. In comparison, readers can only think that the previous government under the Chief Veterinary Officers Nicholas Süth tehetetlenkedése because the system did not deter a challenge it is toxic, antibiotic honey producers, distributors and retailers of consumer health rongálásától. Not that a fine would have been a deterrent, nor does it take offense to the police have banned them from the next activity. Japan, of course, the dealer is liable. There is not úszhatják stores selling products on the false prosecution of the producers of mutogatással, as if to gain from it, they also need to know what they sell.
A specialist in the last two times in a scandal. Húsgombóckészítményei proved to be toxic to a Chinese company, and a Japanese company, poor quality of flour can be used only for animal feed have been released for human consumption átcímkézve. The Chinese food products otherwise the Japanese are satisfied, and the scandal referred to Mr. Lorry the law of large numbers can be, namely, that the most importélelmiszer from China. The public, however, became distrustful of the Chinese food over.
not wavered, however, in relation to trust the Americans, and all the tools are used to the weird movements GM plants in the world. These include the import of some European Union countries have been allowed to Hungary but, fortunately, still resists. Japanese disappointment in this respect, as also allow the as yet unpredictable effects of genetically engineered soy, which, moreover, the national dishes of most of its components. We learned from Mr. Lorry, that basically only the foods can be brought to Japan, which is satisfied that it is not harmful to human health. "How can this make? The GM Soy to the international professional public opinion that is not harmful to health. However, today no one can say exactly what about the longer term "- reflect the inconsistency of the food safety specialist. In any such products must indicate that genetically engineered or not. The processed foods - such as szójaszószból - but no longer can be shown that genetically engineered material made with, so this is not the product labels warn consumers, he adds Truck Ejszuke. (Contention Hungarian mikrobiológusoknál later at home I asked those who believe that processed foods can be shown that the genetically engineered plant material or not.) When asked whether he agrees with the marketing of GM products, he replied, that does not motivate people to buy such products . He said that is not a happy thing, but they can not prevent. Why it is not, not explained. The processed products are recommended for customers to find a manufacturer that is non-GM soya is used up. However, it complicated the detection of genetically engineered products that are involved in that foodstuff. The State can not say that the foreign buyers do not take soy, may indicate only that the product from abroad. Camels, radio, newspapers also do not give up ads, only the ministry's website published a description of genetically engineered szójáról, county or counties are called, walking up to the general public note that this is now available in stores. Which, let's face it, the defense édeskevés!
an explanation as to why, despite reasonable discretion are not against the Japanese in the GM soya beans, the relationship between the two countries lies. America, after having ruined the country, built it, and the resulting prosperity is now more dominant experience for them, like 65 years ago, the devastation. The development of genetically engineered crops, cultivation and popularization in the world the most well-capitalized U.S. companies interested in, and allow the import of such plants in Japan also represents a major retreat of a friend before. When the powerful American interests turned to the word, the ministry's expert stated that this is a political question, which he did not want to take a position. During the conversation later, it was found that Japanese companies have also termeszthetnének GM soy in the country, but even a single domestic company did not ask her permission. To the question that shopping whether he is wondering whether to give up what szójáért money or interest to the szójaszószról, what made the source material, Mr. Lorry answered: if you answer, you can not buy GM foods. She added that while there are customers who turn to chemicals sprayed szójától party, and thus has been genetically modified to look exactly.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating. I checked one of Tokyo's shopping mall, to indicate whether the packaging of the soybeans, genetically engineered plant that are involved. The various szójababokon not find such information, so I tried to inquire. Would otherwise be courteous in all respects fair store of disruptions to the seller asking about the issues of genetically engineered soya. Finally, the food class leader rushed there, but who did not understand exactly what I'm curious.
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open door
has not even begun the real reconstruction in Haiti
mno, 2010. August 14, Tibor Pósa
the terrible earthquake in more than six months ago ravaged Haiti. Considerable amount of compassionate world voted for the island nation's reconstruction. Where the meeting is now? The ruins begin to shape in the capital, Port-au-Prince, the outlines? If you are going at this rate, you have to wait several decades to do so. Rapper
presidential candidate, "What is Obama's America, that's me for Haiti" - Commenting on these modest words presidential candidate candidature Wyclef Jean. The forty rapénekes American producer and one day last week villámlátogatásra from Haiti, of course magánrepülőgépével, New York.
incredibly popular among the young star, the Fugees was a gang leader of a cult, it seems, seriously think that will be the saviors of the Haitian people. This may prevent the local election commission's decision, since many of the objections raised against his person. The committee next week to decide on acceptance of nomination.
One of the problems which elvérezhet Wyclef Jean, is that the Haitian constitution provides for a continuous five-year stay in the country. Jean's parents left Haiti a young child, now lives in New York, and he only visited his home for days. In another case, which many accuse of vomit and tears, which was requested by one of the very hírtelevízió CNN broadcast, a foundation of fraud. Jean with his family in 2005, established a Shout Haitiért, Yéle Haiti Creole named organization in the country for educational, sporting and cultural goals kicks. America, indeed millions of dollars collected by a cry, but Wyclef Jean magánkiadásait is also covered. Does not pose a particularly good light on presidential candidates, if the U.S. tax authorities, 2.1 million dollars owed him. Jean also said that settlement of these pending. Only some inkling might be wondering how America is looking for such a rapsztár arrived. The AP news agency looked after Wyclef American incomes. Last year's revenue was $ 18 million, which, if average wage calculation, the annual salary of 13 thousand people in Haiti! Provided, if there is unemployed, and because even the earthquake hetvenszázalékos was even before the unemployment rate in Haiti.
The American actor and director Sean Penn, who moved to Haiti after the disaster, and still lives there, that can provide direct assistance to the population, also hatched against Wyclef Jean. "I want a president who is capable of self-sacrifice for his country - Sean Penn said. - Personally, I've seen America, Wyclef Jean, how to flaunt his assets, which is the size of Haiti can not imagine. Magángépével iderepül a day, but sometimes when you need to act? "I
rapsztárnak but it should be given to the amazingly mixes words, no chance to worship youth, who last Friday took the stand on their shoulders. The people speak the language, everything they promised. For example, whether Fifty Cent - a singer - will come to give a concert in Port-au-Prince. Then abandon the frenzied crowd, "But why not organize a capital-football championship?"
brand new army of engines working on the streets, going on clearing rubble. Huge Trucks filled with the debris, and have also carried out in selected parts of the épületmaradványokat. The earthquake destroyed the capital city as a whole will certainly not be any traces disappear in half a year, according to some estimates, twenty million cubic meters of ruins to move - but I can already see the diligent work of hands. The engineers cleared parts of the drawings shows the earthquake-resistant buildings to owners: you can start tomorrow with the primer. Thanks to international assistance, a new Port-au-Prince based on the Haiti Reborn.
But this is only a dream: the best of worlds imagined disaster. The reality is different. Half years after the earthquake of 12 January, after which the eight million in Haiti, about 250 thousand deaths and a half million people, smashing up his apartment, the authorities remain powerless in the terrible disaster. Haiti's GNP - which was around six billion dollars in 2008 - about 120 percent of the estimated amount of damage. Much
would be more to it than just romeltakarításról. Much as it sounds daunting, the earthquake is a chance to create modern Haiti, could be incorporated into the country again. New infrastructure, XXI. century, suitable housing, a lot of work and based on a spectacular ascension to the American continent is not poor people. Of course, this would modernize the political, economic and social system. After two centuries of immobility is not too big a bite for Haiti? The forces of nature
pusztításától shocked the international community in late March was extremely generous in New York City tens of billions of dollars pledged to rebuild Haiti. According to observers, the States generous felajánlásából Haiti - write and read! - Two per cent received. In such circumstances, whether to be responsible for ensuring that things are not going the best way? I wonder who promised milk and honey flowing in the immensely poor Haitians? The spreading of the government's hands: we do not have money.
The site reports that a large part of the ruins look the same as the day after the earthquake. Because it would be an exaggeration to say that nothing happens. But sure enough, that no state assistance began clearing rubble. Those who are tired of the camp tengődést - négyszázezren in the capital, while living in countryside hatszázezren such - rather visszaszivárognak to their homes. Some people try their own hand made habitable houses, collapsed buildings quarried materials toldozgatva-beams foldozgatva homes.
Needless to say, to master the way they built houses in Mecca, where more earthquakes occur, would become even more dangerous. Half years was not enough to define the requirements in Haiti, which is required under the construction of a house, and which enforces fire and sword. This was the promise. Apparently the American standard that will apply to the földrengésbiztonság complying, but as long as it is not defined, even the big public works or can be initiated. The first black republic in the world, people feel proud that they had been abandoned them again - said the French newspaper Le Monde's correspondent visited the spot. Many feared that the revolt is sweeping across the country, but rather the mood of resignation to the Minister. The graffiti of course, the country's president called a thief, who is seen by many as stolen with the aid cabinet. To spread rumors in Port-au-Prince, that did not leave a single minister from Miami, where the earthquake kipihenhették trials, but that did not have particularly excited about the camp inhabitants.
A month after the start ciklonszezon, spiced with the tropical storms passing through Haiti. Already underway on a scheduled basis from tropical storms. Many predicted a period of crisis in Haiti again. Particularly women at risk of uncertainty: while the husband is seeking employment, while they rape, armed robbery are at risk. The non-governmental organizations, which currently operates about a thousand of the island's west side, two billion dollars in donations forwarded to the sufferers. They organized medical assistance, setting up the tents, drinking water and food supplies. Thanks to them, no outbreak of epidemic, which was held after the disaster, as health professionals working in Haiti.
funds medical teams that performed well in international public health care that is better than before the earthquake. And free. The biggest trouble, of course, ignored the fact that a poor and your rich. Everyone benefits from. Now, however, would depart from the back to where the earthquake was preceded by Haiti: Hungarian health service and price. Particularly in the social hierarchy of high-Haitian doctors are viewed with impatience for free care: what happens here, if you will take this for granted? The
almost certain that the end of November presidential and parliamentary elections will not happen any change. The current power is doomed to follow the developments, which do not want to interfere. Maybe then the new government, when creating a predictable stability, more can be achieved with international donors. Whom - let's be honest - it is also the momentum beams. The immediate reconstruction of Haiti established an international organization - the former U.S. President Bill Clinton's leadership - a half years has been able, after the inaugural sitting of the second, this time to keep working ".
raised many question marks in relation to the organization of free elections. Firstly, the fact that the authorities based on what you are trying to identify the persons All papers have been destroyed or lost. The number of dead data are only approximate. Where can I vote for who is not resident in the earthquake? The sátortáborokban with little money to buy votes, or maybe it was the dwelling place of voters? This is not a simple problem, because hundreds of thousands affected.
hundred and fifty thousand young people were promised jobs through public works, through which many families would be legitimate income. But it is also delayed. As well as rehabilitation of schools. While good weather, classes may be open to the sky, but if it comes viharidőszak, wonder where the kids learn. There are about seventy
poor bank in the country. The survival of small loans amounting to two million people play a decisive role. Perhaps the ten dollar pair of micro-life of which megcsinálhatják small business. But not everyone is so generous to the poor. Sure that is, at first sight - it drew attention to the French newspaper Le Figaro writing. The Monsantóról, U.S. kolosszusról agro is concerned. The earthquake was half the price of seed to farmers in Haiti, and promised to triple yields. GM crops offered. Of course, that it received the Haitian peasants: "If the great lords is good, why not us?" - That make up the question of the peasants. Said that some circles in the United States is very interested in the land for Haiti, which are an excellent opportunity to a large agro-businesses.
This is just one agent that has already been loaded in entering the country the new colonialists. The bigger problem is that there is no real reconstruction in the amount of money which the international community so gallantly promised. Mahatma Gandhi has been known to be a breach of promise opens the door for a series of lies before.
has not even begun the real reconstruction in Haiti
mno, 2010. August 14, Tibor Pósa
presidential candidate, "What is Obama's America, that's me for Haiti" - Commenting on these modest words presidential candidate candidature Wyclef Jean. The forty rapénekes American producer and one day last week villámlátogatásra from Haiti, of course magánrepülőgépével, New York.
incredibly popular among the young star, the Fugees was a gang leader of a cult, it seems, seriously think that will be the saviors of the Haitian people. This may prevent the local election commission's decision, since many of the objections raised against his person. The committee next week to decide on acceptance of nomination.
One of the problems which elvérezhet Wyclef Jean, is that the Haitian constitution provides for a continuous five-year stay in the country. Jean's parents left Haiti a young child, now lives in New York, and he only visited his home for days. In another case, which many accuse of vomit and tears, which was requested by one of the very hírtelevízió CNN broadcast, a foundation of fraud. Jean with his family in 2005, established a Shout Haitiért, Yéle Haiti Creole named organization in the country for educational, sporting and cultural goals kicks. America, indeed millions of dollars collected by a cry, but Wyclef Jean magánkiadásait is also covered. Does not pose a particularly good light on presidential candidates, if the U.S. tax authorities, 2.1 million dollars owed him. Jean also said that settlement of these pending. Only some inkling might be wondering how America is looking for such a rapsztár arrived. The AP news agency looked after Wyclef American incomes. Last year's revenue was $ 18 million, which, if average wage calculation, the annual salary of 13 thousand people in Haiti! Provided, if there is unemployed, and because even the earthquake hetvenszázalékos was even before the unemployment rate in Haiti.
The American actor and director Sean Penn, who moved to Haiti after the disaster, and still lives there, that can provide direct assistance to the population, also hatched against Wyclef Jean. "I want a president who is capable of self-sacrifice for his country - Sean Penn said. - Personally, I've seen America, Wyclef Jean, how to flaunt his assets, which is the size of Haiti can not imagine. Magángépével iderepül a day, but sometimes when you need to act? "I
rapsztárnak but it should be given to the amazingly mixes words, no chance to worship youth, who last Friday took the stand on their shoulders. The people speak the language, everything they promised. For example, whether Fifty Cent - a singer - will come to give a concert in Port-au-Prince. Then abandon the frenzied crowd, "But why not organize a capital-football championship?"
brand new army of engines working on the streets, going on clearing rubble. Huge Trucks filled with the debris, and have also carried out in selected parts of the épületmaradványokat. The earthquake destroyed the capital city as a whole will certainly not be any traces disappear in half a year, according to some estimates, twenty million cubic meters of ruins to move - but I can already see the diligent work of hands. The engineers cleared parts of the drawings shows the earthquake-resistant buildings to owners: you can start tomorrow with the primer. Thanks to international assistance, a new Port-au-Prince based on the Haiti Reborn.
But this is only a dream: the best of worlds imagined disaster. The reality is different. Half years after the earthquake of 12 January, after which the eight million in Haiti, about 250 thousand deaths and a half million people, smashing up his apartment, the authorities remain powerless in the terrible disaster. Haiti's GNP - which was around six billion dollars in 2008 - about 120 percent of the estimated amount of damage. Much
would be more to it than just romeltakarításról. Much as it sounds daunting, the earthquake is a chance to create modern Haiti, could be incorporated into the country again. New infrastructure, XXI. century, suitable housing, a lot of work and based on a spectacular ascension to the American continent is not poor people. Of course, this would modernize the political, economic and social system. After two centuries of immobility is not too big a bite for Haiti? The forces of nature
pusztításától shocked the international community in late March was extremely generous in New York City tens of billions of dollars pledged to rebuild Haiti. According to observers, the States generous felajánlásából Haiti - write and read! - Two per cent received. In such circumstances, whether to be responsible for ensuring that things are not going the best way? I wonder who promised milk and honey flowing in the immensely poor Haitians? The spreading of the government's hands: we do not have money.
The site reports that a large part of the ruins look the same as the day after the earthquake. Because it would be an exaggeration to say that nothing happens. But sure enough, that no state assistance began clearing rubble. Those who are tired of the camp tengődést - négyszázezren in the capital, while living in countryside hatszázezren such - rather visszaszivárognak to their homes. Some people try their own hand made habitable houses, collapsed buildings quarried materials toldozgatva-beams foldozgatva homes.
Needless to say, to master the way they built houses in Mecca, where more earthquakes occur, would become even more dangerous. Half years was not enough to define the requirements in Haiti, which is required under the construction of a house, and which enforces fire and sword. This was the promise. Apparently the American standard that will apply to the földrengésbiztonság complying, but as long as it is not defined, even the big public works or can be initiated. The first black republic in the world, people feel proud that they had been abandoned them again - said the French newspaper Le Monde's correspondent visited the spot. Many feared that the revolt is sweeping across the country, but rather the mood of resignation to the Minister. The graffiti of course, the country's president called a thief, who is seen by many as stolen with the aid cabinet. To spread rumors in Port-au-Prince, that did not leave a single minister from Miami, where the earthquake kipihenhették trials, but that did not have particularly excited about the camp inhabitants.
A month after the start ciklonszezon, spiced with the tropical storms passing through Haiti. Already underway on a scheduled basis from tropical storms. Many predicted a period of crisis in Haiti again. Particularly women at risk of uncertainty: while the husband is seeking employment, while they rape, armed robbery are at risk. The non-governmental organizations, which currently operates about a thousand of the island's west side, two billion dollars in donations forwarded to the sufferers. They organized medical assistance, setting up the tents, drinking water and food supplies. Thanks to them, no outbreak of epidemic, which was held after the disaster, as health professionals working in Haiti.
funds medical teams that performed well in international public health care that is better than before the earthquake. And free. The biggest trouble, of course, ignored the fact that a poor and your rich. Everyone benefits from. Now, however, would depart from the back to where the earthquake was preceded by Haiti: Hungarian health service and price. Particularly in the social hierarchy of high-Haitian doctors are viewed with impatience for free care: what happens here, if you will take this for granted? The
almost certain that the end of November presidential and parliamentary elections will not happen any change. The current power is doomed to follow the developments, which do not want to interfere. Maybe then the new government, when creating a predictable stability, more can be achieved with international donors. Whom - let's be honest - it is also the momentum beams. The immediate reconstruction of Haiti established an international organization - the former U.S. President Bill Clinton's leadership - a half years has been able, after the inaugural sitting of the second, this time to keep working ".
raised many question marks in relation to the organization of free elections. Firstly, the fact that the authorities based on what you are trying to identify the persons All papers have been destroyed or lost. The number of dead data are only approximate. Where can I vote for who is not resident in the earthquake? The sátortáborokban with little money to buy votes, or maybe it was the dwelling place of voters? This is not a simple problem, because hundreds of thousands affected.
hundred and fifty thousand young people were promised jobs through public works, through which many families would be legitimate income. But it is also delayed. As well as rehabilitation of schools. While good weather, classes may be open to the sky, but if it comes viharidőszak, wonder where the kids learn. There are about seventy
poor bank in the country. The survival of small loans amounting to two million people play a decisive role. Perhaps the ten dollar pair of micro-life of which megcsinálhatják small business. But not everyone is so generous to the poor. Sure that is, at first sight - it drew attention to the French newspaper Le Figaro writing. The Monsantóról, U.S. kolosszusról agro is concerned. The earthquake was half the price of seed to farmers in Haiti, and promised to triple yields. GM crops offered. Of course, that it received the Haitian peasants: "If the great lords is good, why not us?" - That make up the question of the peasants. Said that some circles in the United States is very interested in the land for Haiti, which are an excellent opportunity to a large agro-businesses.
This is just one agent that has already been loaded in entering the country the new colonialists. The bigger problem is that there is no real reconstruction in the amount of money which the international community so gallantly promised. Mahatma Gandhi has been known to be a breach of promise opens the door for a series of lies before.
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Imre Payer: Let-lamely
forgolódva keep watch on the bed at night.
I almost feel like I lose my mind intact.
Eldöntetett, what, where and how it will be?
not yet caught up, I weighed all wrong?
Sanszot not reckon I got to me
when, why will shadows for years?
coincidence constraints
constant pressure, while only takes a candid perczápor?
I can not accept that I - being-lame. Vehicles
rustle. Such as Cut, the dawn has arrived
. He turned. Wall. Sleep. And - -
forgolódva keep watch on the bed at night.
I almost feel like I lose my mind intact.
Eldöntetett, what, where and how it will be?
not yet caught up, I weighed all wrong?
Sanszot not reckon I got to me
when, why will shadows for years?
What happened, why it was, and if so, why can not
-back, so that will be? Why look for anything
the unknown? He did not know? He is not? coincidence constraints
constant pressure, while only takes a candid perczápor?
I can not accept that I - being-lame. Vehicles
rustle. Such as Cut, the dawn has arrived
. He turned. Wall. Sleep. And - -
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Imre Payer: Tekno
Mátraaljai A grandmother lived in the village. There was a
mosóteknője. Weekends
nagymosást held.
Outside, the yard was washing laundry in a yellowish-brown shell.
Morning, radiating sun shone drought, then the richer
afternoon. Save the day with its walking.
evening, the fountain next to the broom guitar mimicking the neighbor boy.
We said we will base band. But we could not find a name. Suddenly I looked at the wall
reverse shell.
Tekno! Tekno! Let the name of the band trough. We laughed.
Years later, a rotted tub. Thrown out.
But the name does not punk out.
Later, my grandmother died. Then the council
lebontatta the house and car park built into the site.
the birds are gone, slamming the axes of the logs. But the hens
as a voice recording visszajátszódó
hear again and again. The ax struck the image of a log
as visszajátszódó movie
see you again and again - to myself.
If not I will be the name remains.
unraveled the insidious roar of the pile as well.
Now I sit here in Budapest at the computer.
dry weather in the morning and the afternoon passed.
Go to the circle of his day.
Mátraaljai A grandmother lived in the village. There was a
mosóteknője. Weekends
nagymosást held.
Outside, the yard was washing laundry in a yellowish-brown shell.
Morning, radiating sun shone drought, then the richer
afternoon. Save the day with its walking.
Kotkodácsoltak the hens. I cut the wood logs in the woodpile before
. Once in the fall. Fortunately
heard the roar rising and ran away from there. evening, the fountain next to the broom guitar mimicking the neighbor boy.
We said we will base band. But we could not find a name. Suddenly I looked at the wall
reverse shell.
Tekno! Tekno! Let the name of the band trough. We laughed.
Years later, a rotted tub. Thrown out.
But the name does not punk out.
Later, my grandmother died. Then the council
lebontatta the house and car park built into the site.
the birds are gone, slamming the axes of the logs. But the hens
as a voice recording visszajátszódó
hear again and again. The ax struck the image of a log
as visszajátszódó movie
see you again and again - to myself.
If not I will be the name remains.
unraveled the insidious roar of the pile as well.
Now I sit here in Budapest at the computer.
dry weather in the morning and the afternoon passed.
Go to the circle of his day.
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Kata Miklós Ágnes: The Demeter-apokrifekből
oh I believe that people are glad
embermódra mourned my daughter and I listen to hymns
disguise air suits
among you go down the halls you
you eat you sleep you
dance around the fire then spread the salad spice
leaven kenyeretekbe
to listen to all the smugglers mesétek
but please do not lie
much bigger than me
genre or whatever you want
a campfire beside me I did not hear the whistle
me whispered in my ear crept
not listened to
said summer is the fragrant hay termékenységünnep
warm comfortable with the rick
sacrifice to Demeter
na go anyway as it is the stake
not even watched it this
final argument took a turn around on my ass
he stepped back and asked, grinning
sorry Aunt
hah nice little family is the great-grandfather did the same
daughter Persephone who once was the age of the fruit of my lap
since you are not an only child in ground water sky Nothing has changed
my hair my hair my daughter kalászkoszorú
I think it's called down there to earth
generational antagonism
stood a freshly ironed clothes kupacnyi
right in what you take next year ittfelejtesz
oh my mother my mother, my father is my uncle
the husband of my cousin's uncle's half-sister
nephew of the half-brother of Ibrahim
the dédnagynéném
stepsister gave birth to my father's mother's mother
oh well what to say I told you a thousand times
can always use a napkin to no avail
now never comes
it out in a patch
I just could not
what does it mean that I am a goddess
bimbónövesztő termésduzzasztó dated
all life on propagating seeds
drive me every woman in the bushes on a hill
meadow of grass weeds in the garden
bedding celery
the apple trees are not a party girl
three thousand years ago my husband
Do you hear that there is no lover
oh I believe that people are glad
me say I'm good goddess
never took it because I have always just a rich harvest bread
ears never threw down the son I did not change anyone kőhalommá embermódra mourned my daughter and I listen to hymns
disguise air suits
among you go down the halls you
you eat you sleep you
dance around the fire then spread the salad spice
leaven kenyeretekbe
to listen to all the smugglers mesétek
but please do not lie
much bigger than me
genre or whatever you want
a campfire beside me I did not hear the whistle
me whispered in my ear crept
not listened to
said summer is the fragrant hay termékenységünnep
warm comfortable with the rick
sacrifice to Demeter
na go anyway as it is the stake
not even watched it this
final argument took a turn around on my ass
he stepped back and asked, grinning
sorry Aunt
hah nice little family is the great-grandfather did the same
daughter Persephone who once was the age of the fruit of my lap
since you are not an only child in ground water sky Nothing has changed
my hair my hair my daughter kalászkoszorú
I think it's called down there to earth
generational antagonism
stood a freshly ironed clothes kupacnyi
right in what you take next year ittfelejtesz
oh my mother my mother, my father is my uncle
the husband of my cousin's uncle's half-sister
nephew of the half-brother of Ibrahim
the dédnagynéném
stepsister gave birth to my father's mother's mother
oh well what to say I told you a thousand times
can always use a napkin to no avail
now never comes
it out in a patch
I just could not
what does it mean that I am a goddess
bimbónövesztő termésduzzasztó dated
all life on propagating seeds
drive me every woman in the bushes on a hill
meadow of grass weeds in the garden
bedding celery
the apple trees are not a party girl
three thousand years ago my husband
Do you hear that there is no lover
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Women Wearing Short Shorts Images
Cemetery 7
Land no downloads and is size 20 x 20 were used expansions Travel Fever, Occupation and luxury housing.
Land no downloads and is size 20 x 20 were used expansions Travel Fever, Occupation and luxury housing.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
очки матсуда
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Scavengers Vs Detritivores
What Size Trowel Should I Use For Wall Tile
friendly nature lover born businessman
Fisher Basket Case
Color: Green
Sim no downloads.
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