Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Roller Skates In Canada

reconstruction of an Athenian girl 2500 years ago lived a hundred years after his face

Greek and Swedish scientists have created a computerized model based on findings of an eleven year old girl in Athens who is BC Sun century, died of typhoid fever. The girl
Mirtisznek elkeresztelt BC 430 banhalt it. Mortal remains of the ancient necropolis in Athens, the Kerameikosz addition, a mass grave was found, in which fifty women, men and children slept in the company of the eternal dream of - read the news site of archaeological Archaeology Daily News [1]. As a managing research

Papagrigorakisz Manolis, Professor, University of Athens showed the election was so Mirtiszre, because the little girl's skull and teeth of the full survived intact over the past two and a half millennia. Húszfős The research team, which Greek professionals in addition to a Swedish scientist was also a member of the University of Manchester has developed a three-dimensional technology was used.

"of the skull, jaws, teeth were available for all" - Papagrigorakisz pointed out, noting that the milk teeth are preserved, which is a great rarity. Thus, 95 per cent accuracy Mirtisz managed to reconstruct his face. The research team found a mass in the skull fogazatából other DNA samples taken to prove that it really turned a blind typhus. Mirtisz spared his teeth, however, Considering that there were so wonderfully intact.

"The research is part of the first ancient DNA study was to find out what people also died in the fifth century BC Athens. It turned out to be typhoid fever haláloztak" - Manolis Papagrigorakisz explained. The victim recovered from typhoid fever is very much a contemporary Athens, their most famous Pericles (495-429 BC), famous Athenian politician, was the creator of the Acropolis.

Mirtisz the National Archaeological Museum, the exhibition entitled Face to face with the past, the contemporary company síremlékművek visible. Manolis Papagrikorakisz plans in ancient Athens, a man and a woman is reconstructed.


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