Monday, September 13, 2010

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The ancient Greeks have detected the first to Halley's comet

the 5th BC century celestial event is detected Halley's Comet was the first documented observation - say U.S. researchers who have the perception that this marked a turning point in the history of astronomy.
from Aristotle in ancient authors mention several times a szekérderék meteorról-sized, which is sometime between 466 BC 468 and crashed into the north of Greece. The incident shocked the local population, the uninvited stranger in the sky and a half millennia "turistaattrakció" was - he writes the Archaeology News Network [1], the archaeological news.

to contemporary accounts mention also that at the time of the collision of a comet in the sky was visible, although the latter have very little attention. However, coinciding with the appearance of Halley's Comet suspected serial feltűnésével a 76 year can be seen from the Earth.

Brigham Young University in Utah, two researchers - Daniel Graham and Eric Hintz, philosopher, astronomer modeled the path of Halley's Comet and this be compared to the contemporary descriptions. The ancient authors believe that the comet was seen over 75 days, during which time the weather was very windy, the sky is the western part of hullócsillagokat observed.

ahead of China?

The researchers showed that the Halley's comet more than 82 days to 466 BC, June 4 and 25 August could be seen between. The period beginning from 18 July to the area and still very windy weather, there's even a planet's period of the comet located under the tail, which is keletkezhettek meteor fragments. This of course does not prove that there is indeed a Halleyről, but like Daniel Graham points out, the great comets are rare. The research in the Journal of Cosmology astronomical journal published a study entitled.
Previously, astronomers thought that Chinese astronomers observed the first time in 240 BC Halley's comet. If, however, Daniel Graham and Eric Hintz assumption is correct, the Greeks More than two centuries ahead of observers in the Far East.

As U.S. researchers point out, this perception marked a turning point in the history of astronomy. Plutarch (45-120 AD) mentions a young astronomer, Klazomenai Anaxagoraszról (500-428 BC), who predicted a meteor impact. The ancient Greek writer claimed caused many headaches for historians, such as astronomical events are quite rare.

lighter than air
believed Daniel Graham and Eric Hintz Plutarch described by the analysis concludes that Anaxagorasz a meteor impact it will certainly not be predicted, but only stated that stones can fall from the sky falling.

Anaxagorasz era considered that the heavenly bodies - planets, the moon - lighter than air objects. The ancient astronomer, however, in 478 BC after he had witnessed a solar eclipse, has concluded that serious, rocky képződményekről is that centrifugal force holds career. Consequently, the lunar eclipse of the sun caused by standing off the path. This could mean that the place where they "kibillentett 'rocks on the Earth csapódhatnak.

to play a role in the meteor Halley's comet becsapódásában? There is always the possibility that a comet's path for diverting asteroids passing near the Earth, our planet and to "manage" them. "The ancient Greeks accepted the existence of rocks átszáguldó sky, and thereby gained a new understanding of the universe" - Highlighted by U.S. researchers.


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