Last post dedicated to the theme moonshine caused quite a lot of interest and raised many questions. Frequently Asked is the temperature at which to cook moonshine? and how long it should cook the mash? . I will try to answer these questions.
- At what temperature to cook moonshine?
The generated mash is a mixture of water, alcohol, sugars, and dead yeast and many gases. To get good quality we have to distill moonshine. Distillation involves the separation of different fractions. In our case, water and alcohol. Water reaches boiling point at 100 0 C while the boiling point of alcohol is 78 0 C. In the moonshine stills we have to set a temperature of about 1977-1978 0 C. Alcohol will be in the form of volatile reaches the condenser where it is cooled and liquefied. The share of water vapor in the mixture will be relatively large. The mash should gently boil. At what temperature to cook moonshine? - 78 0 C. - How much time should be cooked mash?
When completed, the process of fermentation the yeast dead sink to the bottom. Wait until the bottom of a thick layer of accumulated sediment and he begins to explain the mash. From my observation is from 2-3 weeks. After this time, should be boiled moonshine.
How long will it be to cook the mash? - 2-3 weeks after completed fermentation
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