egg production in recent years comes down to maximize profits. Retail chains need a very specific supply-defined limits. Any time overrun causes severe punishment. With these contracts may meet only major manufacturers. Hard to find eggs that have not been produced on chicken farms.
So what what to buy?
sensitive method should be able to learn to read the markings on the eggs. I will say right away are not complicated and easy to remember pattern. The most important memory of what we should the importance of the first 11 digits of the character code.
All eggs available in the shops must have a sign in the form of 11 digits, which is most important for us first. Determined because of what kind of eggs come from farms. And so:
- "3" means the farming of caged chickens are reared klatach a length of 120 cm and depth 63cm. Frame Manufacturers boast that on the surface can be placed up to 20 hens - 756 cm2 per hen. Manufactured frame as befits the European standards provide the animals comfort - each frame is to reduce the size of claws, perches, and grzebalisko laying shed. At the places to lay eggs on the grid floor are fitted with soft silicone moldings holes.
- "2" means that the chicken comes from caged birds have zagrodowego relative freedom of movement. Livestock is kept in crowded barns or specially prepared venues.
- "1" tells us that the hen can leave the barn
interests me the word could, which in this case sounds like a likely ...
- "0" means that the eggs come from free-range husbandry From hens fed organic food - they can be a mixture of grains and cereals. It is worth noting that cultured in this way, birds can feed on naturally earthworms, insects, bits of fruits and vegetables.
buy the eggs?
the simple answer is marked with 0 . Manufacturers often place the package labeling inscriptions and symbols to persuade customers that as from organic production, we should not be guided by these suggestions. Most important is the symbol - the manufacturer may label all for an abuse of the code, waiting for his severe punishment.
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