Excursions Mountain - Trail Trans-E3 - Czech Republic Part I
Excursions Mountain - Trail Trans E3 - Czech Republic Part I " Pravčická gate - and its surroundings are one of the greatest natural attractions and scenic in the country. Gate itself is the largest in Central Europe, a natural bridge sandstone in the form of a beautifully shaped arches of a width of about 27m, height of about 21m, a width of 7-8 meters and a thickness at the thinnest of 3m, lies at an altitude of 415th Acting in complete piakowców shoal. Under the bridge there is a terrace restaurant. Besides, the rocks, the hotel building rises up 'Falcon's nest' of 1883. Due to the threat wzglęgu since 1980. entrance is closed, but around there are many lookout points located at various altitudes up to 450m, which offers spectacular views of a large part of Děčinske vrchowiny, Kruśnych hor. Come to different vantage points lead after kłdkach and sopniach. The rapture may fit that are at the forefront of numerous clusters of rock towers and needles, filling the vast, kotlinowate lower among the shoals of giant sandstone. "
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